Tuesday, September 27, 2022

JAG - "Go For Broke"

Title: Go For Broke
Author: Haruo Chikamori

E-mail: hhchikamori
Rating: G
Classification: Angst w/resolution
Spoilers: not that I know of
Summary: One of my very rare Harm/Mac/Animal short stories from wayyy back. Tells of the story of how Grandma Sarah (nee Koechner) Nakamura and Grandpa Osamu Nakamura got together.
Disclaimer: Harmon Rabb Jr. Sarah Mackenzie, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims, et al characters
regularly seen on JAG, are creations of Donald Bellisario and are the property of CBS, Paramount
and Bellisarius Productions. Animal, Lia, Metalman et al (other than the above) are the creative property of Hugo and Heather Chikamori.
Author's Note: The story line I chose to write touches on the experiences of Japanese families in America during the early days, before the Second World War before Pearl Harbor, and to an extent even us in Canada. My mother and my grandparents, and uncles were interned in Slocan in Canada during the Second World War, so this kind of hits really close to home. And thats why I wrote it.

November 16, 2003
Washington D.C.,

Commander Harmon Rabb Jr. tucked his hands in his great-coat pockets as far as they would go to keep them from the chilling winds emanating from the Potomac River. A murder investigation, his best friend going to South America to help Clayton Webb and damned near getting herself killed in the process. It had been an eventful year, one that he didn't want to repeat. Rounding the corner, he ran into another old friend, "Animal, fancy meeting you here. I thought you were still out on deployment?" Looking up at the sky he realized just how grey and dismal the clouds were reflecting the lights from the city at night.

"Naw…" Animal replied, tucking his gold-encrusted admiral's cap even father down his forehead to keep away the chill. "First tour as battle group commander and all it was…was a shakedown cruise. Hell, wasn't even a test for my old air wing. So, being an intuitive soul, I decided to walk down here…" and he shrugged, "…and ended up running into you." He grinned widely, "So what's bothering you? You look as if your best friend died."

"Nice way of putting it." replied Harm, with a touch of bitterness. "She decided to date Clay after I resigned my commission, went down to Paraguay and nearly got my ass shot off trying to rescue her. Then of course, I went back to JAG after Imes let loose the information that she didn't pass the bar before she became a JAG. Sure beat wrestling alligators." He said sarcastically.

Animal whistled considerately, "hmmmm, that is bad" Animal really didn't think much of Clayton Webb. A rich CIA spook, who didn't really have much good to do other than to make other people's lives miserable. But that wasn't really the case. He didn't live off his mothers coffers. He had a good job and tried to do it effectively despite the major f***-ups from those higher up. Animal had to give him his due; AND that was what really rubbed the Asian flag-officer the WRONG way.

"Yeah, I think I should try the monastery as a viable alternative, considering how much of a relationship I've had in the past two years." Harm grumbled.

"OK, Harm, it ain't that bad." Animal grinned. "It could be worse. Did I ever tell you about my Grandpa?"

"No…" Harm replied looking at him quizzically. "So?"

"Well…" Animal said looking down the river reflectively. "It was back in the 20s, back when the rest of the population didn't like us Japs too much. He said, as his eyes gazed at the ships going down the shipping lane."

June 16, 1923
Rock Hills, NV

Osamu Nakamura looked up at the hot mid-day sun and swore to himself that he was in line for a major case of sunstroke.

"Hard work, healthy, ne." his father, Masanobu Nakamura grinned. A short little wiry man with jet black hair, wizened with lines from the tough work day in day out, that was farming, especially in this rocky desert which didn't grow much of anything except the Japanese horse-radish that they used as a garnish on their vegetables. "You work ground, ground give you vegetaburu." He patted his son on the back. "Ne? Hard work good for you. Make you strong."

Osamu had heard the same thing over and over again. He didn't believe it. He knew that there was something out there that he could do that wouldn't break him and put him into the ground before the age of fifty.

He continued slamming his pick into the ground, each consecutive stroke causing his arms to jar. This ground was hard and unforgiving. He still didn't know how his father managed to make vegetables grow out of this ground. Hell, neither did the neighbors and the neighbors were not in the least bit tolerant of that fact.

"Damn Japs, think they're better than us. Working like dogs taking our land and making the ground work for em. Pretty soon they'll have all our jobs. Damn Japs." He heard it all the time. It wasn't right to him, but what could they do. You couldn't start a fight over it. More than likely with the mood the way in that town, they would end up being forced out of town. Whenever he went with his mother to town to pick up supplies, he saw it; the sneers, the suspicion, the dislike. The hate was palpable. All the townspeople exuded the same contempt and dislike for the Nakamura family in that town, except for Sarah. She was different.

He kept slugging away at the ground, until he heard a shout "OSAMU!" A young blonde woman riding a bicycle waved at him. "I thought we were going to bike-ride to the creek?"

Osamu heard a snort coming from beside him. His father was looking in the direction of the waving young woman, his face dark with a frown. "Osamu, you go with hakujin girl? Many say no good. Hakujin girl, if she get tired of you, she go find some other man maybe take your money too."

"Dad, I love her, she's the only one who understands me! Dad, she's not that kind of girl."

His fathers face told Osamu that he wasn't convinced in slightest. "Your mother…what she say? Your father go to take vegetaburu to market five man spit on ground beside your father. Father no can do any thing. Hakujin, they think Japanese not even human. Maybe she want you for pity." His father shook his head. "OK you go. No you say, I no warn you." his father glowered darkly at him. Osamu felt his fathers glare at his back all the way up to his girlfriend's bike.


Sarah looked over at her boyfriend. "Osamu" she insisted. "Something's bothering you."

Osamu brushed it off. Its nothing.

Sarah said. "I think I know what it is. It's the look that your father gave me. As if I wasn't good enough for you. It's the same look that I see in the other people's faces staring at you when I'm with you."

Osamu looked up at her with surprise. "You mean you've noticed."

Sarah said. "How could I not notice how they look at you. To them, you're so different, why's she going out with HIM. That Jap shouldn't be out with one of our girls." Sarah rolled her eyes. Please like I would have anything to do with ANY of them."

Osamu looked at her with pain in his eyes. "Is that how you see me, Sarah? Do you think I'm exotic, different, maybe not a threat, but do you see me as someone who needs to be rescued from that? Because I don't!" He said assertively.

"No Osamu, I see you as an individual. You've got the same quirks as everyone else. Sometimes you're bull-headed, you're obstinate, and above all, I like you that way. You're the guy I fell in love with and that's the reason why I stay with you, not because you're different in skin color from me." Sarah leaned in close as Osamu wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They sat quietly in the shade as the sun charted its course through the heavens.

Later that evening.

"SARAH?!" her father glared at her. "You are dating a JAP?! Let me tell you something. Harry Peterson is out of work, because the cannery he works for just hired five Japs for the amount of pay that Harry works for. After twenty years, they fired Harry because the boss could get five monkeys to work for him for less than Harry. Those slant-eyed b*****ds are putting us out of work. And NOW you want to bring one of them into this FAMILY?" her father spit. I'd sooner shoot one of them than have them as a relative.

"But, Osamu is different" Sarah said. "He's polite, he's sweet"

"ENOUGH!" her father roared. "There is NO WAY IN HELL I'm allowing you to marry a JAP!"

Next day

"But Sarah, what are we going to do for work, for food." Osamu asked Sarah. She had come over sobbing, saying that she was leaving her family's home and not going back. "Where are we going to live? And no one likes a mixed couple around these parts."

"Then we'll go west to the coast. San Francisco or someplace like that." Sarah said, vehemently. "I can't stand this place any more."

"So, how are we supposed to do this?" Osamu asked. "We barely have any money."

I don't know. All I know is that I don't want to be here any more where we have to sneak around just to be together" Sarah said, impetuously as she cried out. "If my dad won't let me be with you, then…then…I'll run away from home."

"I know" Osamu said finally after pacing the floor clear enough to wear a hole through it. "I'll join the Army." Osamu decided. "That'll give us a place to live and money to live on."


"So my grandpa and grandma ran away from home. When the Depression hit, my grandpa was in the Army so Grandma and Grandpa were all right, but times were tough all around, back then." Animal said to Harm.

"I didn't know your grandma was white." Harm stated. "You've always looked fully Japanese…" he looked chagrined and corrected himself. "fully Japanese-American, I mean."

"That's because my mom married a full-blooded Japanese." Animal replied. "Come the Second World War, my grandfather and grandmother ended up at Tule Lake. Grandma ended up just as interned as my grandpa cause she was married to him. She had the option of staying outside, but she wanted to be with him. Well, that didn't stay like that for long, since the military wanted him back in, even though they discharged him after Pearl Harbor. He was sent to the infantry because of his prior military service to serve in the 442nd Battalion. Go For Broke, they called it." Animal said as he peered off into the distance. "He won the Distinguished Service Medal taking a hill in Italy. His friends said the single-handed attack was worthy of a Medal of Honor, but the bias behind the military against anyone who was of Asian descent, prevented him from getting anything higher than a DSM. Animal paused for a long moment, contemplating, as Harm watched him. My grandma Sarah died when I was fifteen. Cancer. She had a tough life, but the one thing was. She loved my grandpa and stuck by him through all the tough times, even when everyone was against him. My grandma, though, wasn't around to see me get through AOCS and come as far as I have through the Navy. But my grandpa was proud of me." Animal said, smiling wryly at the memory.

"Where is he now?" Harm asked.

"I'll take you to see him. If you don't mind the walk…that is" Animal stated as Harm nodded that he didn't mind in the slightest.

Arlington National Cemetary
Arlington, VA

The crisp white tombstone was marked STAFF SERGEANT OSAMU NAKAMURA, UNITED STATES ARMY. There was an engraving of the Medal of Honor on the tombstone.

Animal merely said simply. "They made it right two years after he died."

"At least he was alive to see yours." Harm replied gazing somberly at the tombstone, now aware of another story behind a marker at Arlington.

"Yeah." Animal said simply as the two naval officers stood in front of the grave and saluted it.

"Now." Animal said as he turned away from the grave marker and looked Harm directly in the face. "This entire discourse was meant to show you one thing." He paused "When you love someone, you hang on to them, despite all opposition. My grandfather faced down the worst possible opposition in the world; he faced down prejudice and won the love of his life. My grandmother and grandfather loved each other more than anything in the entire world. Grandma turned her back on her own culture and became a part of her husbands. Maybe you and Mac can make a go of it together. But you'll never know unless you fight for her. Don't be complacent and then have to live with nothing but regrets and could have been's." Animal looked firmly into Harms eyes as he uttered the final words to him that evening "That's my lecture for today, Harm. Don't make the mistake of letting her go."

Harm stood at the head of his friend's grandfather's tombstone for a long time after his friend had left.

Macs Apartment
Georgetown, WA

There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Mac asked.

It's me Harms voice sounded from the other side of the door.

OK Mac replied as she opened the door. "Can't be too careful now."

Harm looked like he was half a snowman. A snowstorm had hit earlier on his way from Arlington National Cemetery. He had also stopped by the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial to pay his respects to his own father. "I ran into Animal today." Harm said. "It was just a coincidence."

Mac looked at him quizzically, trying to make heads or tails out of that comment. "He say anything."

"He showed me his grandfather's gravestone. And told me this whole life-story his grandfather went through. Animal tried to tell me something and it finally sunk through." Mac looked about ready to call the head-shrink when Harm continued. "Something I guess I've been trying to run away from for the longest time. And I just realized it when you were away doing that mission with Clay. When you asked me why I never express myself, why I always had to be on top? It hit me when Animal related his grandparents' story." Mac silently let him continue. "I can't keep running away if I want you to stay and I can't be top dog in this relationship if I want it to succeed. I need to allow you to be yourself. We need to have mutual respect for each other." Harm continued. Macs eyes softened as her mind churned over those words. At last he was seeing the light. "Animal told me." Harm said, struggling to get the words out. "I have to fight for who I love, against all opposition. And I have to tell you, honestly, that I love you." he finally said.

There wasn't time for anything more as Mac looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Damn you, Rabb." she said. You know, I've been waiting for that for a long time?" She whispered as she melted into his embrace. I've been wondering if you'd ever get around to it. You're not the only one who's been thinking about this. And it's not entirely your fault either. I've strung you along for a long time, not thinking that it was the right time. Just think of how much more time we could have had together if we had got our act together sooner?"

"I'm slow, I guess" was Harms reply before Mac's lips on his smothered any other comment. Mac's last thought before they moved to the bedroom was that she would have to deal with the problem of telling Clay that their relationship was over tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

JAG - Maple Airways

"Maple Airways"

Author: Haruo Chikamori

E-mail: hchikamori

Rating: T

Classification: Harm/Mac R; Animal/Meg R


Author's note:

DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of the author. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Summary: Harm and Animal retire; and their wives get a major headache due to yet another cockamamie idea from Animal.

Meg and Animal's House, Richmond, VA

"Are you two out of your ever-loving minds?" Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie-Rabb exploded at Harm.

Megan Renee Austin-Nakamura sighed as she sat back in her seat. She'd had this conversation two weeks earlier with her own husband who was sitting beside her as Harm got grilled by his wife.

Harm was reaching the age where he was undecided on whether to re-up for another six years to finish up his 40 years and maximize his pension but instead had wanted to get out of the Navy and do something else for a change. Of course, Harm and her husbands' genius (and that was being exceedingly generous) minds came up with this spectacular idea. Meg thought it was producing some pretty "spectacular" fireworks out of Sarah Mackenzie-Rabb.

Animal, on the other hand, had decided to turn in his papers. At 62, Admiral Toshio "Animal" Nakamura was at the very pinnacle of his career and he knew he had to exit stage-left for others to have any hope of advancing in their careers. For him it was time to vacate his position as the highest ranking officer in the United States Navy and look for other opportunities in the world. But then of course he had to come up with this cockamamie idea.

"Just where do you think we have the funds to license a business jet?" Mac fumed.

Harm looked at his friend, the one who taught him to fly the F-14, who'd been his flight lead over Iraq during the First Gulf War; who had been his friend through thick and thin over the past thirty five years ever since RAG. "Yeah, I don't think she's going for it."

"I don't think Frank would go for it either, Harm." Meg told him. His step-father was more conservative with his money and wouldn't back a fledgling enterprise, especially one that was started on "a wing and a prayer".

"Didn't Frank move to Hamilton? To become head of Chrysler Canada?"

Mac was starting to feel a vein pulse in her forehead.

"I know a guy in Hamilton who can get us a lead on an ex-Air Canada CRJ-700." Animal grinned at Harm with a beatific look. Meg thought he looked entirely too innocent for his own good. According to her beloved husband, a CRJ-700 wasn't a business jet, it was a miniature airliner capable of seating 68 passengers.

Mac rolled her eyes. "Holy Mother of Christ", she uttered rolling her eyes and wondering just how in the conceivable nine levels of Dante's purgatory her husband's friend was able to come up with this screwball idea. "Are you kidding me?", then wondered if she really wanted to ask that question because in sadistic answer to that particular rhetorical question, Animal came up with this:

"No. If we can get this venture off the ground. It's the perfect retirement business for all of us. You two could take care of the business end of things and Harm and I could fly customers from point A to point B. I'm Captain and Harm gets to be First Officer."

"What do you mean YOU get to be Captain?" Harm objected.

"I'm senior in rank to you."

"But we'll be civilians." Harm grumbled.

"You rated on heavies?" Animal retorted.


"Then I'm Captain."

"No fair!"

"I feel like I'm in a preschool trying to mediate to toddlers fighting over a toy.". Mac growled rolling her eyes and giving a look of helpless supplication to Meg.

"You get that feeling too?" Meg asked wryly, "because I was getting the same feeling when my husband came up with this idea a week ago."

Mac looked at her as if to say he came up with this a week ago and you didn't nip this one in the bud?

Meg shrugged; in actual fact, with rates of air charters easily exceeding $1400 a seat they could easily make $95K a flight minus the $25000 for fuel costs $3500 for ramp fees. And $1500 for landing fees at a major international airport and that was each time they landed or took off. And if they could do six flights a day. They could easily do $420K a day in income. All they needed was a home airport to fly out of. She did however wonder if Tosh had actually done some research on how much it would actually cost to hangar a CRJ-700.

"And just where the hell would we be living?" Mac asked irately. She had counted on being able to retire to the Arizona desert so she could hunt dinosaur bones.

"Ever heard of the Alberta Badlands?" Animal grinned. For a Yank he'd done his research. "I hear they got plenty of dinosaurs. Especially if you're looking for a T-Rex.".

Mac raised an eyebrow, now her interest was whetted. "Really?" She asked as Animal nodded. Maybe she could realize her life-long dream of digging up a Tyrannosaurus femur.

"It's just a quick one hour hop on an Air Canada flight to Calgary from YVR." Animal informed her, "...which, by the way, is where we'd be living, provided we can find affordable lodgings in Richmond...BC, that is, not Virginia."

Mac rubbed her chin and gazed at Harm, "Y'know...maybe this might be do-able."

"Although you might want to wear snake gloves and snake-boots while dinosaur hunting in the Badlands." Animal thought to mention.

Harm was frantically doing a wave-off signal at him as Meg winced. "There's prairie rattlers in the area.".

Mac exploded, "oh for fuck sakes!".

Two days later

Animal grinned at his friend. "Well, I knew the dinosaur bones were going to get your wife on our side."

"That was a big risk you took with the prairie rattlesnakes. She hates snakes."

"I didn't want her to get bit, y'know." Animal grinned. "Wouldn't want to cheat Crayola out of their biggest customer."

"Oh, that's mean."

"Inter-service rivalries, Harm..they call us a taxi service. So I'm just givin' it back to them." Animal grinned. After Harm's hitch on the Allegiance as the DCAG. Animal had dragged him kicking and screaming off the boat, tacked a star on each collar and told him to over-see his staff. So Harm had finally become a flag officer as a one-star Rear Admiral.

"So I'm headed down to BuPers to hand in my terminal separation papers. Then I have a month to go before I can dump this uniform." He'd done the three year hitch which would allow him to keep his star when he retired. "What about you, sir?" Harm and Animal were walking down the halls of the Pentagon E-Ring.

"The President elected to keep me in for one more year last year and he hasn't said anything about keeping me on again this year so I'm out now too, in a month, that is.", He informed his friend. Animal's three thin stripes above his thick one contrasted greatly with Harm's one thick Rear Admiral (lower half) stripe.

"Never thought 40 years ago I'd be looking back on a career exit as a one-star.".

"Be grateful you have that." Animal said looking over at his longtime friend and fellow officer. "Your happy little coin-toss should have kept you at terminal Commander let alone a Captain after refusing to go to London. You know how much I had to rake the coals over the promotion boards and Congress to at least get you one?"

Harm nodded. He knew just how much his superior officer had gone to bat for him to be able to retire as a flag officer and he appreciated every bit of it

Animal pointed at his own top-most ribbon and sardonically commented. "At least this came in good for something other than a dog and pony show.". He was right, Harm thought, that sky-blue ribbon with stars drew a lot of looks. His friend looked thoughtful for a few moments. "The only thing I'll miss being in DC is being able to see my bird at Steven Udvar-Hazy. Daughter is going to come with us but that's only for a few years then she's off to Annapolis and then doing her own service.". Animal's retired Black Aces F-14A Tomcat was in the Steven P. Udvar-Hazy Center an offshoot of the National Air and Space Museum.

Harm grinned, "Is Katie not planning to continue with hockey?"

Animal shook his head, "Not much call for female hockey players professionally" he said, "Katie knows that her future is with the Navy and making sure that her career prospects are good."

"So what does she plan to do with her Navy career.".

"Fly fighters like her old man." Animal grinned at him and I have no doubt she'll make it." He looked over wryly at Harm, "though it will be a rough commute for her to come up and see us now that Meg and I will be living in Canada." Animal chuckled, "...as will her godfather and godmother"

Harm said resolutely, "So should we start looking up realtors in the Vancouver/Richmond area and see what we can find."

"Yeah. A month will go by pretty quick." And we'll be out sooner than we know." his friend nodded looking over at Harm

Harm grinned. Out of all his Navy buddies; none of his Academy buddies were still a part of his family and friends circle any more. Luke was dead; Sturgis had betrayed him, and God knows where the hell Keeter had fucked off to. The only constant buddy he'd had was Animal,. A man he considered his brother, his mentor and a protector since their days flying over Iraq during Operation Southern Watch with the Howlers. In fact Luke, he and Animal had flown together in the Howlers during Iraq. Animal, being a Lieutenant Commander at the time, was in fact flight lead owing to his extensive experience in the Tomcat and always managed to get them back safely.

In fact; a month went by very quickly and change of command and retirement ceremonies were a whirlwind of events. Meg's brimming eyes watched her husband clad in dress whites and shoulder-boards, Medal of Honor draped around his neck, saluting his command as they all stood respecting his service and his now retirement. How much she loved him. From the moment she'd met him on the TR during the MOH investigation, he'd been her one constant in life. A son and a daughter later and twenty-five years of marriage and they were still deeply in love.

A week later Harm was standing on the same podium, his friends Animal and Meg and Harm's wife Mac, were there watching as he finally called it a career. Mac noted just how hard it was for Harm to give up what had defined him for nearly thirty-six years. The gold-gilded shoulder-boards that defined Harm's rank of Rear Admiral (lower half) glinted in the sunlight.

Mac knew she wasn't going to make Brigadier General or even Colonel at this rate. And with her own retirement looming in another five years, she opted to spend the rest of her life being Harm's wife. Working on their relationship was the most important part of their marriage to her. So she handed in her terminal leave papers a year previous to Harm's retirement and now she was Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie-Rabb, (retired), wife of Rear Admiral (lower half) Harmon Rabb Jr; finally taking the plunge and deciding that each deserved better than the push-me-away; push-you-away relationship they'd had for the past twenty-four years They decided to get married at the justice of the peace with their only witnesses being Bud, Harriet, Jen, AJ, Animal and Meg. It was good enough. After the fall-out of the Straits of Malacca, Sturgis was not invited. Neither Harm nor Mac wanted anything to do with him. As best man, Bud nearly forgot the ring. And as it was it was a civil ceremony to remember.

And then finally a morning dawned when there were no more commitments and they were all finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and say that they would be able to finally put their homes up for sale and make the move that they had been planning on for so long .

"Hey, John." Animal was out looking at things needed to equip their fledgling airline and wincing at the costs to update onboard life-saving gear for 68 passengers and six cabin crew; four of which they would have to hire and decided to call on the sales rep for Foster Air Systems and Sales, the rep who had the CRJ-700 up for sale.

"So are you ready to move on this CRJ?" John Kaszjdik, salesman of used aircraft asked.

"Yeah, I think so as soon as we clear up the final qualifications for Mr. Rabb here so that he has second seat. I need a qualified right hand seat in the CRJ. It's not a plane for one man to fly."

"OK. Well, we've got her here and she's all ready for you to take your check-ride on her. So you're saying your co-pilot is getting his rating?"

"Yeah he needs his multi-engine airline transport pilot's rating." Animal grinned. "But he's getting the simulator hours in. So he should be ready to go in a week's time.".

"That's good to hear.". John Kaszjdik's voice sounded relieved. That was a big sale that was going to come in; it was going to be at least $2.6M and the aircraft was in good solid condition. New CRJ-700s sold for over $24.9M so the former Admiral was getting a steal of a bargain on this.

Animal sighed, a shade of apprehension creeping into his voice. Holy hell, this was going to eat into a lot of their savings. With some astute investments, Animal had managed to amass savings of over $25M. However the cost of trying to start a fledgling charter business was going to be a tough slog especially when someone was competing with the big airlines.

Back home at their house, Meg was already rolling her eyes at catering costs and dealing with sixty-eight meals per flight and refreshments; both drinks and alcohol. This most definitely was not her idea of a relaxing retirement.

In one fell swoop she had donned the mantle of Executive Vice President of Maple Airways (the patriotically Canadian name, for their new adopted homeland, they had laid claim to by filing from Washington DC with the British Columbia Business Licensing Branch). Meg was sure that evoked some very strange commentary from those who had been a part of licensing their business which was scheduled to start operation as soon as the CRJ-700's main mounts touch the runway of YVR coming into land.

In the meantime. Harm, Mac, Animal and Meg were steadily packing the contents of their homes into a manner in which they would be able to fit into the cargo section of their CRJ-700. It would be a long flight to YVR with only three family members in the cabin.

Jamie was already commissioned as a Navy Ensign working as a legal aide in the Judge Advocate General Corps. He found his eyesight was not the best and it had hit hard that he wasn't going to be able to fly fighters like his dad and Uncle Harm.

Animal and Meg had sat him down and told their son that any profession within the United States Navy was an honorable profession and that he could look at becoming a legal officer like Mom. It was a profession that translated well to the civilian world and would bring him lots of money on the outside if he chose not to stay in the Navy.

And Mac was their legal department while both their husbands jaunted around Canada with their shiny "used" toy leaving their wives to take care of everything. If things went better, they might be able to buy another aircraft or two and hire another few crews to man the airplanes.

But until then they would be kicking tooth and eke out market share in the highly competitive airline industry. It would be an uphill battle for several years until they were able to get their share of the passengers.

Mac was looking over all the legalities needed to set up a ticketing system to keep track of their customers and discussing matters with Transport Canada on how to set up such systems at check-in. Meg could see that by this time Mac was rolling her eyes in frustration.

"And I thought dealing with the NTSB was bad.". Mac let out an impatient growl.

"What's bad, honey?" Mac gritted her teeth as she heard her husband's voice ask the question.

"You and your friend's cockamamie idea, that's what! You know how much of a headache this dealing with Transport Canada is. All the hoops we're having to jump through with regards to operating an air carrier in Canada?!"

"Uh...no..." Harm gave his wife an innocent wide-eyed look and Mac nearly let out a frustrated scream. Harm looked over at his best friend, "uh. Animal, my Spidey-sense tells me my wife doesn't like you very much right now."

Animal looked at Harm with a sarcastic expression, "Ya think?"

Two weeks later, Hamilton, ON

"Pre-takeoff checks."

"Auxiliary turbine - check."

"Right engine start."

"Spooling up. 45 percent power."

"Ignite left engine."

"Spooling up to 45 percent."

"Charlie Echo Foxtrot six eight Niner. Taxi Alpha to Echo".

"Roger Echo Foxtrot Six Eight Niner. Taxi Alpha to Echo. Pushing back from terminal."

"Roger that Echo Foxtrot Six Eight Niner. Hold short Runway two seven left. You have a DH Dash 7 coming in"

"Copy, holding short Runway two seven left for inbound DH Dash 7. Echo Foxtrot six eight Niner."

Animal moved the throttles forward to hold short of turning onto Runway 27L. Even the long tube of the CRJ-700 vibrated with the sound of the turboprops as the DeHavilland Dash 7 came into land. And reversed the blades so that it provided braking power on its landing roll.

Animal and Harm had gotten their ATPs through Transport Canada and were now rated as Canadian airline pilots. It would be a far different experience than flying a US Navy fighter jet off a carrier.

"Tower to Echo Foxtrot six eight Niner. Cleared to proceed onto Runway Two Seven Left, Departure Vector Two Three Six. Level 26. Winds south east 15 knots., Direct to US ATC. Channel 3-6. Have a good day."

"Copy Transmission: Cleared to proceed onto Runway Two Seven Left, Departure Vector Two Three Six. Level 26. Winds south east 15 knots., Direct to US ATC. Channel 3-6. Thank you Hamilton Tower. Echo Foxtrot Six Eight Niner out."

Lining up onto the center-line of the runway, Animal eased the throttles forward on the center panel with his right hand; left on the flight control yoke.

"Rolling" Animal uttered as the CRJ started its take-off roll.

Harm nodded, "Airspeed 60knots, 70, 80,. 100. 120.

"V1" Decision time. "Airspeed is live. V2..."

Pulling back on the yoke, Animal felt it go light on the wheels. "Rotate." And he could feel the wheels leave the runway. As soon as he got fifty feet in altitude, he said to Harm, "gear" as Harm reached for the gear-up lever.

Harm reported, "Gear up" as soon as he heard the wheels thunk into their wheel-wells and saw the lights come on.

Animal could see the altimeter wind up slowly all the way to twenty six thousand feet almost ten minutes later and that would be their flight level for two hours as they flew towards DC.

"This is driving a cargo hauler." Harm said as he looked over at his friend. In the Tomcat and the Hornet it had taken less than twenty seconds from takeoff to thirty thousand on max reheat. In the CRJ it had taken ten minutes to get up to twenty six thousand feet cruising altitude. But they were ex-military now, no more hopping into fighter jets and tripping the light fantastic or breaking the sound barrier. Every flight now would be a long boring cruise with an equally boring climb to and descent from altitude.

"Yeah..." Yawned Animal. "Think we shoulda gone into the airshow industry instead?"

"A little too late for that, Animal."

"Feel comfortable with the controls? I need to go get myself a soda.".

"Sure couldn't do that in the F-14, could we?".

Animal chuckled as he unbuckled, "Your airplane, Hammer."

"Right, my airplane" Harm said as he took over the flight controls.

Two Hours Later

15 minutes out of Dulles they started letting down from twenty six thousand feet. "Charlie Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner. Dulles Control. Vector Two Eight Seven. Contact Tower at three six eight. Over."

"Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner to Dulles Control, copy Vector Two Eight Seven, Contact Tower at three six eight." Animal dialed in the heading with the heading knob. Then switched the radio to channel 368. Harm still had control. He and Animal were taking turns on the flight as to who needed to grab a snack or go to the washroom. Once again he thought one sure couldn't do that in a fighter jet.

The landing was going to be in inclement weather and Animal had the wipers going as they made their final approach to Runway 63R.

"Gear down." Harm said. "Locked"

The altitude indicators on the final approach sounded off.


The wheels hit the paved runway smoothly.

"Retard, retard.".

"Did the airplane just insult you? Animal?" Harm grinned at his friend.

Animal pulled the brake levers to slow the CRJ-700's landing roll. Thinking a moment, he said "Maybe. But something tells me it's French for brake." He grinned at Harm.

"OK. Where do we park this thing and get it ready to load our stuff onto the aircraft. We have an immigration permit to start a business and we need to take advantage of it in three weeks or it'll take another year to apply all over.". Harm said.

Animal nodded. They could park it by the south terminal gate so that they could load up all the furniture. And get it netted down so it wouldn't shift which could be disastrous.

It was large in comparison to a business jet. It was nearly as long if not as thick as a B737 and the wings were nearly as long. In fact it looked like a smaller McDonnell Douglas DC-9 which had capacity of 96 passengers. So not much more than the CRJ-700.

Parking the CRJ-700 wasn't a bad exercise in taxiing. However realizing they needed to rent a ladder truck to get off the aircraft was a bit of a cold shower realization. The mini-airliner like all airliners did not come with an equipped ladder. So that would be an additional rental expenditure unless they chose to buy their own which would end up being at least a $250,000 expense cost and asset as ladder trucks for airlines were custom built.

Walking down the ladder truck, Harm and Animal looked at each other. "yeah we need to take into account everything we need for this airline of ours.". It was eye-opening; the cost of the logistics to start this airline; from the mechanics to the trucks and other things needed to get an aircraft loaded and ready to fly plus ladder-trucks (did they need two of them, front and rear exit doors) or would they rent space at a jetway to load passengers directly from the terminal? These were all questions that needed to be answered in any case.

Meg and Mac were standing by the fence line waiting for their husbands. Their eyes were wide. They hadn't realized just how big the CRJ-700 really was. It was, as Animal had stated, an airliner. And Animal had stuffed $2.6M of their hard earned life-savings into this enormous jet. This airline idea has better fly, Meg hoped.

"You said this was a small airliner." Mac's jaw looked like it was about to hit the ground. "That thing is enormous." She complained to her husband and then looked over at Animal. "just where the heck do you think we're going to hangar that thing?"

"We'll just rent a hangar." Animal said way too blithely. "Harm can park his Stearman in the corner of the hangar so the cold doesn't get to her."

Harm added cheerfully. "It really only gets cold two, maybe three times in the Fraser Valley in winter." He grinned. "I did some research" he looked absolutely pleased with himself. "So Sarah should be fine."

"Well, we need to baby that fabric-covered rattle-trap." Animal said. Harm looked insulted. "...or Harm will whine.".


"Yeah, it's a death-trap." Animal aimed a look at Harm. "I upped my life insurance since the last time he offered to take me up in that thing."

"See if I ever take you up again."

Animal raised his hands to the sky in supplication. "If he doesn't take me up again in that cloth-covered deathtrap for as long as I live..." He paused melodramatically and exclaimed, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, my prayers have been answered.".

Harm's expression was like an insulted bullfrog.

Three days later

Rummaging around in the cargo section of the CRJ, Harm said, "There, I think everything that we don't have in-flight cargo containers for has been secured with netting and the plane has been balanced out." They'd had to buy several cargo containers costing several thousand dollars apiece that fit the airliner's cargo compartments where they fit in everything that could be shoved in and they tightened down everything that couldn't so that it wouldn't shift mid-flight. They strategically set about making sure that the stuff that couldn't go into containers was blocked off by the containers that were locked so that it couldn't move around at all.

"Are you two still puttering around in there?" Mac's voice was heard at the entrance to the cargo section of the CRJ-700.

"Yup, just doing final checks to make sure every thing is locked down. You remember that 747-200 that crashed on take-off out of Bagram?" Animal asked.

"Yeah?" Mac asked quizzically as she stuck her head up into the cargo well.

"We don't want that happening when we pull up out of here, now do we?" Animal saw her turn pale.

"Take your time." Mac said weakly; the color draining out of her face: what Animal could see of her face was sheet white, which for Mac who was tanned near olive complexion was remarkable, and her head disappeared out of the cargo section of the plane.

Meg poked her head in the cargo well about ten minutes later and shot an arch look at her husband, "Honey, you're evil. Mac says she's thinking about taking the bus."

Animal and Harm looked at each other.

"No, Animal, she's not taking Greyhound." giving his former CO a stern look.

"I didn't say anything." Animal shrugged but the expression on his face caused Meg Austin-Nakamura to give her husband an elbow-nudge to the stomach as he stepped out of the aircraft.

"Ow!" Animal complained.

"Then stop scaring the poor Marine. You're going to tarnish the Corps' reputation." Meg admonished.

Katie asked her father, "so Dad, when do we jet outta here?".

"In about six hours. When Uncle Harm and I are satisfied that everything's good. And when Mom finishes prying Auntie Mac off the ceiling. OW!" that last earned Animal yet another elbow to the midsection from his beloved wife.

Meg explained to her daughter while affixing a dark expression at her husband, "Auntie Mac doesn't like flying and Daddy scared her."

"Bad Daddy." Katie raised a reproachful eyebrow at her Dad.

Six Hours Later

As the sun sat at around the 1500 hrs mark, Harm and Animal finally finished their walk-arounds inspecting every single nook and cranny of the aircraft's exterior making sure there was no FOD.

"So, think we look official?" Harm had the nice looking three stripes on his shoulder marks with a shirt that had the red letters Maple Airways emblazoned on it and Animal had the same shirt but with four stripes on his shoulder marks denoting his captaincy of an aircraft.

"Seems like a bit of a demotion." quipped Harm since he had been a Rear Admiral (lower half) in the Navy. And Animal had been a four-star.

"But this is our baby." Animal grinned as he looked over at his long-time friend.

"Our baby, though you paid for it." Harm grinned. They stepped into the cabin and Mac, Meg and Katie clapped,

They moved up the aisle towards the cockpit as Meg smiled at him. It didn't matter where the passengers sat since the cargo was distributed per weight and balance and frankly it was all their furniture and belongings for two houses. And that would make it so that they wouldn't have to have movers move everything from coast to coast it had taken three days of moving the items from home to airliner and then loading it. What they could do when they reached YVR was to get movers to move the belongings to the houses they bought. And once they had bought new vehicles of their own, they would turn around and get the rest of the small stuff needed.

They really disliked having to sell their vehicles but Harm and Animal realized that the CRJ was not equipped to transport vehicles at all so Harm's Corvette and Animal's favorite Mustang had to go on the sale block unfortunately. And there was a lot of sad looks at their vehicles as they handed over the keys. It was evidently much easier for Meg and Mac to part with theirs than their husbands.

Opening up the door to the cockpit, Animal took left seat, Harm took right.

Affixing their headsets on their heads, Animal started the preflight checklist.

Once that was concluded. He picked up the cabin announcement telephone, "This is your Captain speaking." He grinned as he could hear giggles coming from the cabin. "My first officer and I would like to welcome you to our inaugural flight of Maple Airways direct from Washington Dulles to Vancouver International Airport on the West Coast. Now since at this point we are an incredibly discount airline, I'm sure you are aware that we have no flight attendants. At this time we would like to direct your attention to the back of the aircraft. That is the kitchen..." He paused, "And the bathroom. Please make sure which one is which before you make use of the facilities." There was helpless laughter coming from the passenger cabin and Harm was nearly bent over double. "When you look at the menu provided for today's flight, please do not complain to our non-existent flight attendants about the menu selection. There is a microwave in the kitchen. Please heat it yourself. Our flight today will be at a cruising altitude of oh my god the cars look like little tiny specks on the road and the people look like ants which roughly translates to about thirty-two thousand feet and our total flight time will be five hours and sixteen minutes or ten hours if we run into headwinds. At that point we will ask you to pray to the Virgin Mary because it will take a miracle to make it to our destination without running out of fuel." Animal paused to take a breath. "Please take a moment to look at our ex-Air Canada flight safety briefing card conveniently located in the handy literature pouch located on the back of the seat in front of you. Ours are still located at the printers in Vancouver. Please look around and locate the emergency doors in the cabin. Since we are flying the plane we cannot show them to you ourselves since we are tied to our seats with a five point harness. If there is a sudden loss of cabin pressure please stop screaming. That will only use up all the remaining air in the cabin. You may find oxygen masks deploying in the case of such an emergency. Put your own mask on before you help your children in order of the one with the most potential for taking care of you in the future first. You may or may not decide to help your husbands last; in this case since your husbands are the ones flying the plane. You had better hope they have their masks on or it will be a guaranteed rough landing. In the case of a water landing, your seat cushions can be used as a personal flotation device or to beat off sharks if someone ever manages to figure out how to deploy the multi-man rafts. If we are encountering sharks we have had something seriously go wrong with our internal navigation system because our flight today is not supposed to go that far south." Harm was slapping his hands on his lap by this time convulsed in laughter. " We'd like to thank you for flying Maple Airways (not like our inaugural flight passengers had any choice in the matter) and we hope that you have a wonderful flight." A peal of laughter rang out that Harm distinctly recognized as Animal's wife and he grinned. Meg's laughter was infectious. How Animal had managed to come up with that flight safety spiel on his own without writing it down first was impressive.

"Oh my god..." Mac gasped to Meg. "I don't know whether to laugh helplessly or be stark-raving terrified.. Your husband would have a future in stand-up comedy." Meg grinned; she knew her husband had a wicked sense of humour.

"Don't worry, we're in good hands." Meg reassured her friend. The two friends could hear the turbines starting up as the aircraft was pushed back from the parking area to the taxi-way.

In the cockpit, Animal was going over the switches and making sure each checklist was throughly completed. Their wives and Animal's daughter were in the back of the plane and that made it even more important to be thorough.

"Tower, Charlie Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner. Dulles Tower. Taxi clearance?"

"Roger, Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, Taxi using Delta to Foxtrot hold short 3-6 left for further instructions."

"Dulles Tower, Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, Taxi Delta to Foxtrot will hold short 3-6 left for further instructions."

Easing throttles forward slightly so that the CRJ-700 rolled forward at a slow pace. Animal taxied the airliner forward. Looking for Taxiway Delta. "Have to find Foxtrot." Animal said to Harm who was looking out the starboard window.

Harm nodded as he found it, "there it is at your one o'clock? See it?"

"Yeah I got it." Trundling down Foxtrot, Animal applied brakes upon reaching the hold short line. "Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, Dulles Tower. Holding short Runway 3-6 Left. Awaiting further instructions"

"Dulles Tower to Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, proceed Foxtrot to Yankee and hold short 6-8 Right for an incoming Boeing 747-400."

"Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner to Dulles Tower copy proceed Foxtrot to Yankee, hold short 6-8 Right for incoming 747-400."

"Pretty busy traffic for a Wednesday afternoon, unless we're talking commuter traffic." Harm noted the various commuter size jets that criss-crossed the continental US that were arrayed across the field. In fact the 737s 757s and 767s were still in use by airlines all across North America. Animal noted a B737-500 that was an Aeromexico flight just in front of him followed closely by a Air Alaska 737-300. There were quite a number of the older Boeings that were still in service.

"Dulles Tower, Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner,. Holding short 6-8 Right. Waiting for the 747-400."

"Landed two minutes ago. Waiting for vortices to clear then you're cleared for departure on 6-8 Right. Will notify."

Animal picked up the phone again. "keep an ear out for the tower."

"Ladies, please put your electronics away and your tray tables in the upright position as we proceed to wait for clearance to take-off. Also make sure that your seat-belts are securely fastened and your seats are in the upright position, thank you. The temperature is a balmy 72 degrees Fahrenheit or twenty three degrees Celsius at our destination."

More giggles from the cabin area as the passengers hastily did as ordered. After all, the Captain of a plane had command authority.

Mac smirked as she looked over at Meg. "Your husband is a riot.". Meg smirked back.

"Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, Dulles Tower, vortices have cleared. You can proceed to the runway and depart."

"Dulles Tower, Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, clear runway acknowledged, proceeding onto runway 6-8 Right; cleared to depart."

"Foxtrot Echo Six Eight Niner, Cleared to depart, have a good flight."

Animal lined up the nose-wheel on the runway's center-line. Final checks and then a steady hand on the throttles as he eased them forward. "Rolling"

"Speed is good" Harm stated as he watched the airspeed indicator, "engines are steady. Airspeed is 80, 90, 120. V1."

"V2 Rotate." The CRJ went light on the wheels and the nose came up as the rear wheels came off the runway and she was airborne.

And Harm and Animal and their families were off to their new post-Navy life.

JAG - "But, Sir…What Happens to my 1st Class Rating?"

"But, Sir…What Happens to my 1st Class Rating?"

Author: CdnJAGScribe


Rating: M

Classification: (extremely short story)


Summary: Legalman Tiner wonders why he was told to remove his 1st Class rating and wear 2nd Class Rating?

DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended

Author's Note: If one remembers Season 2…There is brief mention of Tiner…and he is wearing a Legalman 1st Class rating. So What Happened in Season 4? He is formally introduced and has some speaking lines in various episodes and is wearing 2nd Class rating. My question is what happened? Did he receive a punitive reprimand and end up losing one rating or what? That's the question. So how does one solve it in the JAG timeline? ~smirk~

JAG Headquarters; Falls Church, VA; 1300 ZULU 0800 EST

"TINER!" Tiner heard the Admiral bellow from his inner sanctum where he tended to ensconce himself away from the rest of the office.

"Yes, sir!" Legalman First Class Jason Tiner responded hastily and entered the office. "Legalman First Class Tiner; reporting as ordered, sir!"

The Admiral looked up with a rather frustrated look on his face. "Did you ever receive a letter from BuPERS authorizing you to wear Second Class Legalman's rating?" He said looking down at Tiner's personnel file. "…because I don't see it here in your personnel file."

"Sir, the only letter I got from BuPers was telling me back in 1994 to put on my Legalman First Rating, so I did as I was told. I was promoted by Admiral Brovo during his tenure after receiving a letter indicating that I should put on Legalman First"

"…and he didn't bother checking to see if you'd completed the Legalman First ratings test before promoting you to Legalman First? Because I don't see a ratings exam completed for Legalman First." The admiral started getting a migraine headache. How many of Brovo's mistakes was he going to have to fix?

"So, Sir, what happens to my First Class Rating?" Tiner looked extremely worried; wearing unauthorized insignia was a serious violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, "Sir, should I be looking at getting counsel for an Article 106a violation, sir." Legalman Tiner stood stiffly at attention.

"No, Tiner. It's somehow a BuPERS screw-up since you have an authorized letter allowing you to wear Legalman First. However there is a problem in that you have not completed the pre-requisites for that and you don't have time in Second Class rating to qualify as a Legalman First. The only pre-requisite that you have officially completed is a high passing score on the Legalman Second Rating. So unfortunately, as Judge Advocate General, I'm going to have to ask you to remove the Legalman First Rating and put on Legalman Second. And I'm going to tear someone a new hole at BuPERS for screwing up and potentially subjecting you to an Article 106a Wearing Unauthorized Insignia and get them to issue you a proper letter for Legalman Second." RADM Chegwidden growled under his breath, "Damned BuPERS lemmings. Always some screw-up that we have to fix…"

Tiner ignored the last outburst and nodded. He looked deeply disappointed at having to give up his First Class rating that he'd worn for three years now.

"Look, Tiner; I know this is difficult, but well, understand that you still have to serve the time that was required to be Legalman Two. What I'd suggest is to take some advancement courses and see if you can get into OCS…you've got the skill for that…" The admiral suggested, hoping that would take some of the sting that losing his Legalman First rating would inflict. After all, Tiner had been wearing that rating for the past three years under the presumption that it was a legal promotion with a legal letter of promotion and not subject to reversal.

Tiner's face brightened. That was an avenue that he'd never thought would be possible. If he became an officer, he could do a far lot more than he could as an enlisted.

"Maybe I should look into night-school, sir?"

"That would potentially be a great idea…" The admiral nodded. "So, I'd suggest that you get to NEX and rectify that problem as soon as possible, Tiner, since you've now been informed. You're excused from post for the duration of time that it takes in order to get that uniform rectified."

"Aye-aye, sir."


Legalman now Second Class Tiner left the admiral's office…and excused himself as he had to head to the NEX under admiral's orders.

Once Tiner had left, the admiral shook his head, muttered a "Goddamn!" under his breath and started dialing BuPERS. Somebody's head was going to roll over at the Bureau of Personnel. About ten minutes later…one could hear a very loud profanity laced tirade coming from the admiral. "Well that's not my goddamned problem; is it? It's your bloody mistake. Write me the proper letter and fix it!"

****THE END****

Burdens of Heritage (to be continued (3 chapters combined))

"Burdens of Heritage"

Author: Haruo Chikamori

E-mail: hhchikamori

Rating: M

Classification: Animal/Tracy Manetti,

Spoilers: N/A

Summary: A relationship borne of a close-working environment at the Pentagon is tested when Animal gets a call from relatives in Japan to come back to Japan to attend a soshiki of a much-loved uncle due to a motor vehicle accident involving a USN serviceman and a Japanese pedestrian.

DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Author's Note: I've always enjoyed Tamlyn Tomita's performances – yes, including Karate Kid Part II. She brought a certain wry humor to the role of Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti in JAG. God I ~bleeping~ hate ADHD plot bunnies!

JAG Headquarters, Falls Church, VA, March 2, 2002, 0700hrs

"Rabb, Mackenzie! In my office!" Rear Admiral (lower half) AJ Chegwidden strode through the bullpen enroute to his office. When the two officers made their way to the oak-lined office of the Judge Advocate General, his face was in the file that he was perusing. After seeing over the top of the file folder, that the two officers had come to a brace in front of his desk, he uttered. "I need to send you two to Kochi Prefecture in Japan. An enlisted man off the USS Mind Head has been arrested by Japanese police for running down a Japanese pedestrian, name of Hachirou Minoru Nakamura."

Harm's sudden intake of breath caused the admiral to look up. But Harm's face was not giving any clues to his equilibrium.

"You two will be investigating the incident and then reporting back to me with regards to the prosecution and defense of this enlisted man." The admiral continued. Joint Naval Base Maizuru in Kyoto, Japan was populated by both United States Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force members. "The man involved was Cryptologic Technician 2nd class Michael Mustafa Sabah El-Hashem; top marks on his 1st class examination, he wrote the exam one week before getting into the wreck. He's been a good sailor, and had great FITREPS, but ever since 9-11, he's had a drinking problem. The problem is that Japan's justice system considers drinking and driving very harshly and running down a pedestrian even more so. I want you to go to Kyoto and find out what went on over in Kochi and figure out what we can do to mitigate the political shit-storm that this is going to cause. Get on it!" the admiral growled.

Harm and Mac looked at each other. This wasn't going to be comfortable. As they exited the door, closing the door behind them, Mac asked. "Are you going to tell me exactly what the sharp intake of breath was about?" Harm nodded, but shook his head impatiently as he walked towards his office.

"Come inside my office, shut the door." Mac looked irritated, but did as complied. Harm sat down heavily in his chair as he raised his hand to his forehead and wiped his brow.

"What is it…" prompted Mac.

"I know the deceased. I referred to him as Uncle Hachirou, but my friend knows him way better. He was Vice-Admiral Toshio Nakamura's uncle." Mac's mouth dropped open. "When the Seahawk was in port, Animal and I would go visit, get to eat some Japanese food." Harm shook his head as Mac looked at him with an unspoken question. "Tempura, not sushi, I don't eat any red meat and very little fish. He was a quiet man, liked to walk long distances – I think that's how he stayed in shape. He would have been approaching 85." He looked up at Mac…and said softly. "I can't believe he's gone."

"Are you sure that this Hachirou Nakamura is the Hachirou Nakamura that you remember? Could it be the same person?"

"I don't think there's very many Nakamura's with that exact same name." Harm replied resting his chin on the palm of his hand, his elbow of the hand he rested his chin on, on the table.

"Are you going to be able to stay objective on the case? Because if not, you need to recuse yourself." Mac warned him.

"I can do the investigation, but I will recuse myself if I have to prosecute or defend."

Mac looked doubtful, "But you are going to have to objectively look for any evidence that both sides can use for the court case."

Commander, US 2nd Fleet, Naval Station Norfolk, 0700hrs

"Sir, mail for you." Vice-Admiral Toshio Nakamura's yeoman dropped off a stack of mail with an envelope resting on top, then departing his office. Animal silently surveyed the envelope at the top. Japanese stamps on the top. Taking the envelope in his hand, he used a naval sword letter opener to slice the envelope open at the top, Separating the two halfs of the envelope, he retrieved the contents, a piece of Japanese letter paper, much thinner than the usual correspondence pages from North America. A thin sheet of almost translucent paper with Japanese kanji and hiragana written on it: Upon it, he read the following from his almost 105 year old grandmother; her frail handwriting apparent in the almost birdlike strokes from her calligraphy pen.

私の孫; my grandson;

それはこの手紙あなたへの書き込みを深くつらい. It pains me deeply to write to you this letter


Your uncle was walking for his health this past week when he was suddenly and grievously struck by a vehicle.


It was with deep horror, that we found out that the driver of the vehicle was an American sailor.


We wish nothing more than to grieve our loss and humbly request that you return to Japan to take part in the funeral of your beloved uncle. It would make his soul happy for you to attend.


We know that your US Navy has to investigate this incident, but please do not make this accident out to be more than it is. Our wound is still fresh and it is time that we will need for it to heal. We do not wish it to be re-opened to its original painful state.


Please do not be angry at the sailor. He was in the wrong, but he is still young. Young people make mistakes. He will learn from his mistakes and hopefully he will become a greater man as a result.


Please call us to let us know when you are able to fly to Kochi to the funeral. We will be able to tell the funeral home to wait until then.


I await your arrival, my grandson


Your grandmother, Naoko.

Animal slumped in his seat for a moment, his right hand to his eyes. This wasn't news that he was expecting and it felt as though a knife had been stabbed through his heart. Picking up the telephone he dialled a number. Hearing her cheery voice answering the phone with a "Secnav's Office, Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti"…he asked, speaking through a lump in his throat. "Tracy?"

"What is it? Tosh…" she asked, picking up on his distress and noting the familiarity of his greeting instead of using his rank.

"Can you ask SECNAV Sheffield if I can put in a request for immediate family emergency. I have to go to Japan." Family emergency or not, he still was a United States Naval officer and had to go through proper channels to request leave, but SECNAV Edward Sheffield would be able to expedite it so that he could get on a plane this afternoon.

"Tosh…" the tone of Tracy's voice was sympathetic. "Do you want me to come with you?" she meant to Japan and almost suppressed a leap of joy when she heard him say with almost a puppy-dog-like tone of voice.

"Would you?" Tracy and Animal had been friends ever since he had worked in the office of the Naval Inspector General after getting yanked off active duty and they had a comfortable friendship, periodically meeting for dinner and lunch as well as the occasional out-of-Navy function like the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival in Virginia Beach, but considering Norfolk was a good three and a half hour drive from the Pentagon if driving rationally, it was quite the distance to be able to cover to be able to see each other regularly. So they kept their friendship alive by e-mail and the occasional platonic meet-ups. Harm used to tease the living daylights out of Animal after seeing some of the photos from Animal's outings with Tracy saying that it looked like Animal and Tracy were dating.

"Look, Tosh, I'll let the SECNAV know that you'll be faxing your request for leave directly to the office and I'll fill one out for myself too. And then you and I need to have a talk so that we can figure out how we're going to do this. You set up the tickets for the flight tonight."

"OK…" Animal was fine with her ordering him to do the things required to get them both on a plane by this evening, as his mind had pretty much gone blank after reading that epistle from his grandmother and he was gratified that Tracy had the presence of mind to be able to get all that done for him.

Calling in his Yeoman after he finished putting together the leave request form, he asked the yeoman to fax the form to the Secretary of the Navy's office then told him that he was going to be taking the rest of the day off as a personal day as soon as he made one more phone-call.

"Yes, sir, will get that done ASAP." The yeoman stated as he hastened to do exactly that.

He made the arrangements for the flight to Kansai International Airport then grabbed his briefcase and his cover. Animal knew that maybe he wasn't in the best frame of mind to be on the road, but he wanted to catch Tracy before she left the Pentagon for the afternoon. Walking out to the car he dialed Tracy's work number yet again.

"Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti, SECNAV's office?" her cheery voice sounded on the other end of the line.

"Hi…Tracy, got the tickets set up. I'm coming up to the Pentagon. Easier to take one car." Animal grinned; a little bit more cheerful now that he had managed to get the tickets ready. "I'm just going to head home and pack a bit before we have to leave.

"OK…SECNAV said that he got your leave request approved and faxed to BuPERS. Then you have to follow me home and let me get packed so we can get to Dulles in enough time for the flight. I requested an early secure too and got it. So I'm just waiting for you, flyboy."

"I requested a red-eye flight so that we could actually pack and get out to the airport before they closed the ticket counter and the TSA checking area." Animal informed her.

"Well, get your butt home…" Tracy's voice was cheerful. "throw your stuff in a seabag…and I'll see you up here at the Pentagon at 1200 hrs. Then we can have some lunch before I have to pack." Her throaty laughter on the other end of the line made Animal's mind think all sorts of inappropriate thoughts. "After all, you have to eat, y'know."

"Wakarimashita." Animal grinned as he walked up to his car and clicked the remote at it to unlock the door.

"anata ga nihongo o hanasu tokiniha watashi ni nani o suru ka wakaranai – (Oh, you don't know what that does to me when you speak Japanese…)" her husky voice murmured softly in his ear clearly through the reception on the cell-phone as Animal's eyes opened wide as he hastened to start his car and was determined to get home fast enough to pack his bag inside of ten minutes.

"Oh…yeah?" he grinned into the receiver of the phone as he started the engine…"Well…Trace…let me hang up so that I can get my butt up there and then…" he teased with a husky tone. "maybe you can show me…"

Her laughter rang through the phone as she let him have it with both barrels with her Virginia accent. "Oh, you are definitely not the gentleman, are you? Are you trying to seduce a good little Virginia girl like me?"

"See you up there, Tracy…Bye for now…" he turned on the husky tone to one hundred percent and hung up. Too bad there wasn't an aircraft that he could ferry up to Joint Base Andrews – Oh well…

Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti's desk, Office of the Secretary of the Navy, The Pentagon; 0745hrs

Lieutenant Commander Korina Spyridoula looked over at Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti when the latter put down her phone, smiled giddily and grinned. "Damned flyboy."

LCDR Spyridoula figured her office partner was in love said. "Romantic trip or something?"

Tracy looked at her shaking her head negative "Uh…no, I'm just accompanying a good friend over to Japan for emergency leave, had to request personal leave."

SECNAV Edward Sheffield came out of his office and both officers locked up in a brace. "Lieutenant Commander Manetti. I know you've requested for personal leave, but I'm going to have to utilize you while you are in Japan. This matter of an accident involving the death of a Japanese citizen in a motor vehicle crash driven by a United States sailor has made things rather problematic in the diplomatic sense. The nationalist elements in Japan have never liked Japan opening up its ports to the United States Navy and any place that has a Joint Naval base like Maizuru in Kyoto have been hit with demonstrations by those same Japanese Nationalist elements calling for removal of US Forces in Japan. You know the language."

"Is it something that I can do while I'm in Japan, sir?" LCDR Manetti asked the SECNAV…

…who nodded; suggesting "I would suggest that you take your uniform with you and be prepared to visit Maizuru naval base."

"Well, sir. It'll be a lot easier with a US Navy admiral to get members of the base to open up. Are you saying that the Secretary of the Navy's office is to liaison with US Consulate in Osaka to get to the bottom of this matter?"

Secretary Sheffield had deduced that the admiral that she was going with would be Vice-Admiral Toshio Nakamura. Frankly it didn't matter to him. They were both in separate commands.

Animal's house, 521 Fairfax Avenue, Ghent, VA. 0810 hrs

Animal entered the house at a run, dropping off his briefcase, while stripping his uniform – he was in a rush. He'd fix the uniform and throw it in at the dry-cleaners when he made it back from Japan. Right now he needed to get things packed and he didn't have to wear a uniform on personal leave, but he'd take his Navy ID with him. Sometimes it would make things easier to deal with if he could get onto a naval base. Besides, getting American things at a Navy PX would be cheaper than having to deal with the matters of trying to get American things at someplace over-priced like a Japanese store dealing in Western style products. Plus he needed to meet Tracy at the Pentagon. So the faster he could get turned around from getting packed the better. Throwing whatever clean clothes he had in his sea-bag, he made sure he had an extra pair of sneakers, then heading out the door and locking it behind him, he made his way to his car, and started it, pulling out of the driveway and onto Fairfax Avenue.

Knowing that the Starbucks was on Colley Avenue, he made his way there. Parking there, he had to make his way into the store as unlike some Starbucks, there was no drive-thru. Ordering a mocha frappucino with three shots of espresso, he sipped it casually as he headed back out to his car, then proceeded north bound on Colley Avenue to W. 26th where he made a right turn which turned into Lafayette Boulevard then a left turn onto Tidewater Drive which would take him up to the Hampton Roads Beltway interchange (I-64) which wound its way along the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel.

The Pentagon; Washington DC, 1145hrs

Animal pulled off South Washington Road into the Pentagon's South Rotary Road. This was designed to keep drivers along the periphery of the parking lot until one reached the gate, but it was also designed to infuriate anybody O-5 and above and as an O-9, Animal was getting there by the time he had circled the end of South Rotary road and came up to the gate at North Rotary Road. The Marine Gunnery Sergeant gate guard smiled, his M9 in holster on hip and walked up to the vehicle, hands hovering close to his side-arm. "Military ID only, please?"

Animal handed over his ID showing that he was a vice-admiral in the United States Navy and the Marine looked him over once, then twice.

"Civilian clothes today, sir?" The Gunny's smile was still on his face but he looked suspicious. He knew this was the US 2nd Fleet presenting his ID, but he still had to check on it. September 11th, 2001 was too fresh in his mind not to be suspicious of anything.

"Yes, Gunny. Picking up a friend at the Pentagon today – Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti, Secretary of the Navy's office. You can call up and see if she's expecting me."

"Yes, sir." The gunny went back to his hutch and picked up a phone to dial the number; after a moment, he came back. "You check out, sir. Go ahead, sorry about the grilling, but after 9/11, sir, we can't be cautious enough."

"Definitely, Gunny…I wouldn't expect anything less. You have a good day, now, Gunny." Animal nodded as he waited for the barrier to go up and then moved his car slowly forward.

"Ooh-rah, sir! You bet!"

After finding his parking spot in the Pentagon Parking lot which was labelled for the US Second Fleet – only because the US 2nd Fleet was there to meet up with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But it also made for a convenient place to park when one was meeting someone else at the Pentagon too. The name: US 2 FLT was emblazoned in yellow on the black asphalt in the parking spot assigned to him at the Pentagon. Unfortunately O-5s and O-6s had to use the regular parking spaces assigned outside. There was benefit to rank.

Getting out of his car, clipping his VISITOR's badge to his shirt pocket, he walked over to the Pentagon entrance, and entered the Pentagon building. Walking through the Pentagon in jeans and casual shirt was an eye-opener. Nobody even noticed him and it was amusing to see just how the rest of the uniformed staff reacted. Nobody considered him an admiral in civilian clothes though the military cut of his hair differed from the tailored appearance of the civilian workers at the Pentagon. And his satisfied expression didn't leave his face as he navigated the hamster hole that was the Pentagon drawing closer to Tracy's place of work. She was going to work until he showed up and it wasn't but another five minutes before he poked his head in the doorway. "Hi…" he said.

"Hi…" Tracy replied as her face lit up. "Just give me a couple of minutes and I'll be right with you…"

Tracy's Apartment, 3925 Davis Pl NW APT B7, Washington DC 1400hrs

Tracy casually started packing her things as Animal waited quietly on the couch in her living room gazing around her apartment.

"I got the tickets for an 11PM departure." He noted as he looked over at the tickets in his hand. Considering that airline tickets were essentially money, he figured that it was wiser to hang on to them in hand and brought them up to her apartment.

"OK…I think that's about that…" Tracy smiled as she came out of her room with valise in hand and another suitcase.

"Packed enough?" Animal inquired innocently as Tracy gave him an arch look.

"Oh, I'm sure I have…though come to think of it, I could perhaps consider bring another suitcase." She said with an evil smile then laughed as Animal's eyes widened in horror. "How many Starbucks have you had today?" Tracy asked when she saw him sipping his mocha frappuccino.

"Oh…just the one…"


Animal hemmed and hawed for a bit. "OK…two. One on the way up and one at the mall. The one I picked up at the mall is the one I'm finishing right now."

"Well, just warning you that if you drink too many of those, you won't be able to get any sleep on the plane over." Tracy warned then mentioned to Animal. "Tosh, SECNAV Sheffield mentioned that he needs me to do some NAVINSGEN stuff while I'm there, that's why I'm taking my uniform." She motioned to the uniform bag hanging over her large suitcase. "Something regarding a vehicle accident involving a Japanese civilian." The gasp from Animal alarmed her and she said. "What, Tosh, did I say something wrong?"

"No…" he managed to get out through the tight lump in his throat…"...it's just that…the deceased…is my uncle."

Tracy came over to the couch, sitting down beside him. "I'm so sorry…" she whispered, looking at him, wondering if there was really any way to comfort him.

"I just brought civilian clothes, but perhaps, maybe I should have brought some of my uniforms, just to be able to utilize them if necessary."

"If you do need them…" Tracy reassured him, "There's always the PX at Joint Base Maizuru."

"Yeah…there goes my budget for the next month…" Animal rolled his eyes.

They sat there quietly comforting in each other's presence until 1800hrs. Then they opted to head for the airport. Grabbing Tracy's luggage under protest from Tracy that he was going to wreck his back, Animal headed out to his car and they loaded Tracy's luggage into the back. Checking to make sure the main door was locked to the building; they got into the car and started on their way to Dulles.

Washington Dulles International Airport, 1830 hrs

"You did have to catch a red-eye flight, right?" Mac grumbled as she looked over at Harm.

"Mac, that's all there was; I couldn't find anything else." Harm winced as he remembered Bud was on the USS Seahawk; normally Bud would be able to scrounge up tickets with a better flight time than 2300hrs…so he picked the first flight that he could find, Singapore Airlines, Flight 276 direct from DC-Dulles to Kansai Airport. He peered around to see two black haired heads in the line-up ahead of them, both in civilian clothes as were Harm and Mac – US military rules were that if one was flying on civilian aircraft internationally, that they were to wear civilian clothes so as to not make themselves conspicuous. These orders came down after 9/11 as the Pentagon was paranoid that an international incident could potentially occur if terrorists were able to get hold of military personnel. "I picked the first flights that had two seats side-by-side. The rest were all full...hey, isn't that Animal…and who's he with. "Hey! Animal!" and then got the shock of his life when he found him with an Asian woman, pretty brown eyes, and a terrific smile which turned into a quizzical expression. "Hi, I'm Commander Rabb." He said extending his hand to the woman, while Animal looked over indulgently. "We finally meet. Your photos, I'm afraid, do not do you justice."

"Hey, Rabb, quit drooling." He growled.

Harm turned around. "Well…how are you? Uh…sir?"

"I'm not sir right now, Harm. I'm in civvies." Animal said, he gestured to the accompanying woman beside him, "This is Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti."

"Pleased to meet you. Commander Manetti." Harm said.

"Charmed, I sure…" Harm was really thrown off by the Virginia twang. "…sir." She finished as she extended her hand.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie. United States Marine Corps." Harm's partner extended her hand to shake "

"So what brings you to Dulles?" Animal inquired looking over at the suitcases beside Harm and Mac.

"Investigation." Harm replied briefly.


"Yes…" Harm explained. "We've been requested to do an investigation involving a motor vehicle accident involving a US Sailor and a Japanese national." He then drew Animal over to one side, "Animal, I think it's your uncle."

"I know it is… Harm." Animal said. "I got a letter from Grandma saying that he was the one that got hit and killed."

"I'm sorry, Animal."

"Yeah…me too."

Chapter Two

Washington Dulles International Airport, Washington DC 1845hrs

"These are business class tickets? That's over $6,800 a ticket. Tosh…" Tracy's eyes widened as she looked at the print on the tickets as Animal pulled them out and handed them over to the Singapore Airlines ticket agent. "How…"

"My family in Japan owns 40% stock in Kansai Electric of which they have transferred 10% of the annual profits into my name to a bank in the United States for my benefit. I work off my salary so the only time I've dipped into it is this time." Animal replied trying to alleviate Tracy's alarm at the extravagant cost of the tickets. Hell, with what money Animal had, he could pretty much swing for an A380 suite, since that was what they were going to be flying on but he figured that would definitely be a bit too forward of a gesture and that would more than increase Tracy's alarm rather than alleviate it. It wasn't so much the ostentatious gesture as it was the fact that with two ejections, Animal's back needed to be well-rested when he got off the plane or he'd stiffen up. "It's so that we don't have to have any worries while we're there. Don't worry, Tracy, everything's on the up and up and I've informed the Navy as well as the IRS as to why I have that much money. So I've been paying taxes on the money since the money was transferred into a holding account in the U.S."

"Wow." Harm said. He was googling Kansai Denki on his smart phone and said. "Forty Percent of Two Hundred Seventy One Million Million YEN?!" Frank was going to excrete bricks…when he heard about this. Frank was worth millions as a VP at Chrysler. Animal had over nine hundred million US dollars in his account and he lived so unassumingly. In fact Harm had thought Animal lived almost at a pauper's level when considering the only thing he spent on was his house and his car and perhaps some camera equipment which was his enjoyment outside of the Navy, but hearing just how much Animal actually had to work with, made Harm's head spin.

He then plucked both tickets out of Harm's hands, looked them over and put them on the ticket counter. "Upgrade please to business class." and slapped down a Bank of America credit card, with a credit line of one hundred thousand dollars and looked over casually at a now gaping Harm and Mac. "I'll pay the amount off when I get back." Six-thousand dollars and an approval on the credit card later and Harm's and Mac's tickets were all upgraded. "Business class is so expensive that hardly anyone uses it; most will fly economy class and then wake up with cramps in their shoulders and back by the time the plane gets into Kansai." Animal explained. "And how many ejections have you had, buddy?" he said to Harm. "You need to stretch out or you won't be functional by the time we land."

"Thanks, Animal." Harm replied, not sure whether to be grateful or insulted by the insinuation that his flying wasn't the best in the world.

"Thank you, Admiral." Mac still looked shocked as the ticket agent slapped destination stickers on their luggage and loaded them onto the conveyor belt leading to the luggage terminal in prep for loading onto their plane.

"Now…we sit around for four hours. Anybody hungry for dinner?" Animal asked. "I'll buy." Harm silently hailed a gracious deity for the magnanimousness of his recently revealed to be filthy rich friend. Nine hundred million…wow.

Joint Naval Base Maizuru, Kyoto, Japan 0900hrs

"Listen, sand-maggot." Gunnery Sergeant Otis Claybourne, Marine security detachment JNB Maizuru, growled at CT2 El-Hashem as he looked him up and down with a malevolent stare "You know just how much of a diplomatic incident that you've created by running over a Jap civilian?" he snorted derisively "Everybody knows you sand-niggas can't drive worth shit. The Japs want your neck. And I got half a mind to give you to 'em. You sure you ain't workin' for Al-Qaeda?"

"I'm working for the United States Navy, Gunny…" CT2 El-Hashem gulped in a deep breath, nervous though he was. "I love my country, sir. It was an honest mistake. I didn't even see him cross the road."

"Tell it to the JAG Lawyers coming out from DC. Right all the way from HQ. You musta pissed them off right proper. They ain't sending you guys from Pearl, they sendin' in the big guns. You just spleen on a stick now, sand-nigga." He wandered down the cell-block. "I'm sure Vice Admiral Henley will be happy to sell the Japs the rope to hang you with…"

Washington Dulles International Airport, Washington DC 2200hrs

"Singapore Airlines Flight 276, Initial Boarding Call. Please proceed to Gate A20. Thank you. Initial Boarding Call…Please proceed to Gate A20…" (Author's note: Gate A20 and Gate A22 are the A380 gates at Washington-Dulles).

"I think that's our flight." Tracy looked over at Animal. "Shall we?" Animal nodded as the group got up. Looking at the long terminal Animal sighted the gate.

"There it is…A20." Animal said as he looked over at Tracy, Harm and Mac. "Let's go…" They had only their carry-on luggage now and headed for the Singapore Airlines Airbus A380. That monster of an aircraft looked absolutely enormous. Harm marvelled as they were ushered to the upper deck as the upper-deck had a large business class section. Mac and Harm found their seats in 21D & F, Animal and Tracy were at 15D&F "Works for me." Animal said. Tracy grinned at him.

Due to the separated levels on the A380-800 and the Singapore Airlines seating plan, the A380 was loaded very quickly with the Suites being filled first downstairs and then the entirety of the A380 upstairs except for a small portion of Economy at the very back of the plane being Business Class – the fewer passengers upstairs enabled the aircraft to load and unload quicker as they all didn't have to line up. This was Animal's first time on an A380 so he wanted to make it worth the while. These seats allowed flyers with Singapore Airlines to lie flat on the seat to get sleep.

"The legroom is amazing…" Tracy enthused as she looked all around her seat marvelling at the luxuriousness of the aircraft interior.

"Thought it would be more comfy this way." Animal replied as he settled into the seat and looked around for the overhead light to turn on. "But we'll have to keep our seats upright until we take-off." Tracy smiled at Animal, gratified that they were finally on the plane, despite the long wait.

"I'm going to go to sleep after we take-off, maybe I'll be able to catch the latter leg of the flight if I don't sleep too long." She looked over at Animal who was looking rather exhausted from the day. "You should get some sleep too."

"It's gonna be a fourteen and a half hour flight." Animal explained. "I'll find some time to get some sleep. The takeoffs and landings, I want to be awake for." He laughed slightly. "I can't seem to sleep at those points, mainly due to my being a former naval aviator." As the aircraft filled with passengers, the both of them sat quietly, each lost in their own thoughts.

He never said a single word about how rich he was…but that doesn't change anything. Tracy thought to herself sneaking side-long looks at Animal. He's still the same Tosh he was before. Just that he doesn't have to worry about anything again in his life. He makes ninety-three million a year just in interest alone before he even considers his Navy salary. Buying a Mercedes Benz is a drop in the hat for him yet he drives a non-descript 2002 Chevrolet Malibu. He could live comfortably in a thirty million dollar penthouse at the top of the Trump Tower and not have to worry about ever working again yet he lives in a non-descript yet comfortable home not even coming close to one million dollars and serves our country with nary a sideward glance and is one of the most dedicated officers in the Navy. Money doesn't mean a thing to him. And I hope I can say that money doesn't mean a thing to me either, because he still is the same guy that he was before this news broke.

Animal's thoughts were along the line of God, she's beautiful as he looked over at the adopted daughter of a Virginia tobacco plantation owner. Tracy was relaxing in the seat next to him enjoying the opulence of that leather padded seat.

The flight was a transpolar flight which meant that coming into Kyoto; it would be cutting through Russian airspace with clearance. Flying through Russian airspace was risky. What was on Animal's mind was the KAL007 flight that got shot down by Russians, but the agreement between the Russian Federation and airlines with special clearances alleviated some of that stress.

Kansai International Airport, Kyoto, Japan; Midnight Next Day

Travel between continents was fraught with time-changes and it threw people off their travel schedules. Luckily there was a hotel right by Kansai Airport. The Hotel Nikko Kansai Airport allowed travellers to bed their weary heads down in several luxurious suites located at the hotel, as most hotels at midnight were not going to accept travellers so a hotel at the Kansai International Airport was constructed to alleviate that problem and that allowed Harm, Mac, Tracy and Animal to grab their luggage and make their way to the hotel via the passenger bridges from Terminal One. It made it so much easier.

When they arrived at the hotel, Animal booked rooms for all four of them – four single rooms. It was understood that the rules still applied – that a Lieutenant Commander shouldn't bunk with a three-star. Tongues might wag, no matter where the hell in the world they were. "Standard room, OK?" The hotelier asked in broken English.

"Sore wa kekkōdesu (That's fine) " Animal replied to the clerk whose eyes widened in amazement.

"Anata wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka? (You are able to speak Japanese?)" the clerk asked, clearly shocked that he could speak the language. After all, Animal had been mistaken for every Asian ethnicity around, least of all his true ethnicity.

"Hai, watashi wa nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekiru desu. (Yes, I am able to speak Japanese.)" Animal replied hoping that this conversation wasn't going to last too long, as he was just about ready to hit the sack and try to at least get about six hours of sleep so that he could function. "Watashi wa chōjikan no furaito o motte ita. Watashi wa shitsureida to omoimasuga, watashi wa hijō ni ikutsu ka no kyūsoku o eru kikai o kansha shinaide kudasai. (I have had a very long flight Please do not consider me rude, however I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to rest)" he hoped that point got it across that he would like his room keys or entry-card and be able to get some rest before they had to go visit his grandparents. Evidently the bags under his eyes appeared to get the point across to the hotelier that they required their rooms quickly before the four travellers fell asleep on their feet.

Taking the elevators up to their rooms, they each separated to get whatever rest they could. Animal set his Kyocera 6035 personal digital assistant phone's alarm to ring at 6:30AM, then he could quickly take a shower and get dressed and maybe prepare by having his breakfast at the hotel restaurant.

Harm settled into his room and looked over at the small single bed. Disgusted he grumbled. "They must have designed it with the average Japanese height of five feet seven inches. He was going to end up with half his legs off the end of the bed.

Kansai International Airport, Kyoto, Japan; 0600hrs

Tracy Manetti found her eyes opening to see the sun coming up over the horizon, shining through the gap in her drapes just as her cell phone went off signalling her to get up. Opting for a quick shower, she looked in the bathroom in her hotel room. It was very tiny. One would trip over the toilet trying to get in and out of the bathtub. Tracy wryly smiled to herself. Opting to take a shower, she made sure that she had a change of clothes handy and then proceeded into the small cramped bathroom.

In the other room, Mac was doing the same thing, preparing to get ready. They would have to find some way to get up to Maizuru which was clear on the other side of the island. That would mean that they had to go to Joint Base Tokushima (fictitious…US-Japanese base in Japan) and then fly by helicopter, more than likely an SH-60J Seahawk to the other side of the island. They would have to meet Animal and Tracy over there who would probably head over after a four-hour trip by train over there after three transfers, which would really make them happy once they found out that.

The four met up down at the Kansai International Airport - The Brasserie restaurant to have breakfast and get ready for the trip over to Maizuru Naval Base. Animal, hearing the itinerary that it would take to get them to Maizuru, opted to use the telephone to Naval Air Station Atsugi and told them to get a SH-60 Seahawk to Kansai Airport on the double. Tracy figured the phone receiver on the other end melted when Animal told them in no uncertain terms including profanity that would have made a sailor blush that there was a vice-admiral on the line and that he would be supremely pissed off if there wasn't an SH-60F on the tarmac at Kansai inside of two hours. Harm and Mac were looking at each other trying to bite down laughter.

Since the Commander US Forces Japan was a two star admiral and Animal out-ranked him by a star, there was frantic preparation to put a SH-60F in the air so that the crew could pick up the four officers and send them to Maizuru. Putting the phone away, Animal grinned. "Well…at least there's some use for these stars of mine…" shrugging he continued, "Well, better than a four hour train ride…"

Commander Naval Forces, Japan, Naval Station Yokosuka, Japan 0745hrs

"Who the hell ordered a SH-60F to divert to Kansai International? And who the hell has been authorizing it to go from there to Maizuru? We haven't had a requirement to go there for a long while." Rear Admiral Douglas Holmes snarled as he looked over the flight reports from NAS Atsugi.

"Evidently a three-star just outranked you, sir…and put in a request so that he could shuttle a JAG investigation crew over to Maizuru. Evidently it's because of a fatal auto accident involving a USN serviceman." His XO replied as he looked over the reports.

"Shit, why weren't we informed earlier?"

"JAG just sent a crew over and the Judge Advocate General just called to let us know that their investigation team will be in the area and that assets may be requested."

RADM Holmes did not look very happy at all. "Would it be actually possible to hear about this before a three-star admiral sets foot on Japanese soil?"

"Well, according to the itinerary, they left DC at 10PM last night and flew fourteen hours and landed at midnight our time." His XO remarked cheerfully.

Kansai International Airport, Kyoto, Japan; 0820hrs

Having obtained clearance to enter the field, the four ran towards the waiting, rotors still spinning, SH-60F. Animal pulled his IDs as did the other three. "Vice Admiral Nakamura!" he showed the Navy ID to the naval aviator in command of the SH-60F.

"Welcome aboard, sir!" the helo aviator grinned. "You got our boys all worked up prepping this bird for you. So destination is Maizuru Naval Base? Sir?"

"That'd be correct, Commander!" Animal noted the silver oak-leaf on the aviator's flight suit as the other three got on board and got themselves buckled in. When Animal got himself buckled in, the commander pulled on the collective; adjusted his rotor pitch and they were off. Banking to the right, the SH-60F was pointed due west over the mountains.

Maizuru Naval Base, Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan 0900hrs

The SH-60F landed at Maizuru Naval Base's helipad and the four jumped out and practically duck-waddled off the helipad so that the SH-60F could take-off again. The commander said that they would drop back once the investigation was finished and pick them up taking them directly to Atsugi where they could make their way back to Kansai Airport.

"Well, that made it a hell of a lot easier." Harm stated as he looked over to see a uniformed US naval officer approaching the helipad.

"Who are you guys, and why are you on a JMSDF/USN joint base. You realize that you could be detained for unlawful entry?"

Animal looked over at him with an unimpressed expression on his face. "And you are?" as he lifted his USN ID.

The US Naval officer was crestfallen as he realized just who he was addressing. He didn't realize that with the civilian clothes, the person he was addressing was a United States Navy vice-admiral. "I'm sorry, sir. I'm Lieutenant Ronaldo Hernandez. Naval Base Maizuru Public Affairs Officer."

"Apology accepted. This is Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie." Animal gestured to Mac, then to Harm. "This is Commander Harmon Rabb, They are heading up the investigation with regards to the fatality. This is Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti; who is from the office of the Secretary of the Navy. You will give them your full cooperation. And right now, I need to find my grandmother." Animal growled. Do you have a phone directory?"

"Yes, sir! Follow me, sir."

"Who is in charge of this base. Secondly, do you have a PX and VOQ?" Animal asked.

"Yes, sir!"

The PAO guided them to his car and gestured to them to get in and they pulled away from the helicopter field and down the road. About a mile and a half down the road, they came to a tunnel that led through the mountain that blocked the airfield from the rest of the base. After a long trip through the tunnel which in reality only lasted about three minutes they came out the other side, and proceeded to go around a circuitous road that led onto the main section of the base.

After a purchase at the PX of a set of service blues with the proper insignia, Animal used the change room to get dressed in the UOD for Japan as did the others retrieving their uniforms. They would get better answers being in uniform than they would in civilian clothes. Trying to locate his grandmother would be a royal pain. But perhaps he would be able to find her by looking for her in the phone directory, then he rolled his eyes. How many Nakamuras would there be? It was like trying to find a Smith in a North American phone directory. Did she leave a phone number in her letter? He then realized that he had left the letter in his luggage in his hotel room at Kansai Airport. They would be returning for the majority of their luggage on their return leg to the United States, however they only brought a change of clothes for a few days here in Japan.

Cursing his bad luck, he muttered to himself. "OK…how am I going to find Grandmother. Maybe I should ask around the neighborhood and see if I can locate her that way…" Tracy looked over at him with a question.

"Did you find anything? Maybe the PAO can help…" she said. "After all if the PAO took the complaint from your family about the fatal accident, then perhaps they have her address."

"You know that's a great idea." Animal said. "It'll also give Harm and Mac a chance to talk to my relatives and get their side of the story for the investigation." Tracy and Animal got up out of the chair and decided to locate the Public Affairs Office; Harm and Mac in tow. When they went in there, there were two JMSDF Petty Officer 2nd classes and two USN lieutenant JGs. The second Animal stepped into the office in service blues, the broad two-inch stripe and two half inch stripes on his jacket, causing the two USN Lieutenant JGs to jump to the position of attention. Animal glowered at the two JMSDF PO2s till they slowly stood at attention as well.

"Lieutenant JG…either one of you tell me where Lieutenant Hernandez is?" Animal growled, his voice ominous.

"Sir, he's in his office." One of the Lieutenant JGs replied.

"I need to find out who took the Nakamura accident complaint and I need the address of the complainer. Am I clear?"

"Aye aye SIR!"

"Commander Harmon Rabb, Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie, Lieutenant Commander Tracy Manetti and myself need to speak with the family who made the complaint. For the record…" his voice grew even more ominous. "My name is Vice-Admiral Toshio Nakamura. Commander, United States Second Fleet. And yes, the last name is the same as the complainer who leveled the complaint at our forces here. So get Lieutenant Hernandez out here to deal with this matter ASAP!"

"Yes, SIR!"

It wasn't too long before Lieutenant Hernandez made his way out to the reception desk. "Sir, you were needing to find out about the Nakamura complaint…and you are Vice-Admiral Nakamura, United States Navy."

"Yes, yesterday, I received a letter in the mail indicating that my uncle had passed away from an accident involving a US serviceman. Now I need to locate my grandmother because that letter is in my luggage still at the hotel in Kansai Airport. Do you have an address of where my grandmother resides as she made the complaint to the Public Affairs Office here?"

"Yes, sir…let me grab that file for you…" Lieutenant Hernandez said as he retreated to the back file rooms.

Tracy looked over at Animal and asked him. "Would you like me to come with you?" she asked.

Animal looked over at Tracy with a grateful expression. "I'd really appreciate it." She nodded in reply.

It wasn't too long before Lieutenant Hernandez came out with a file. "Admiral Nakamura? I have an address listed for her at the following: 610 Asekunaka. Here is a map showing the location. You will have to take a taxi. Just give them the address and they will be able to locate it for you, sir."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Keep in mind that Colonel Mackenzie and Commander Rabb will have questions for you when they get back." Animal said as he put his cover back on and headed out of the PAO to see if he could hail a taxi.

"Yes, sir." Lieutenant Hernandez said, to the rapidly retreating back of the admiral as the four officers left the office.

When he was able to locate a taxi who would stop, Animal strode up to the driver and asked. "Ropyaku ju Asekunaka made onegaishimasu. (please take me to 610 Asekunaka)"

"Hai. Dozo…notte kudasai. (Yes, please board)"

About twenty minutes later, they pulled up along-side a well kept house with a cultivated Japanese garden in the front. "Sen gohyaku en ni narimasu. (The fare is now 1500 yen)."

"Dewa, Sen gohyaku onegaishimasu… (Here is 1500 yen)."

"Arigato Gozaimasu. (Thank you.)" the taxi-driver said as the four officers stepped out of the taxi and shut the door. As the officers crossed the road, the taxi-driver slowly accelerated away along the road.

"Well, looks like we're here."

Naoko Nakamura's Residence, 610 Asekunaka, Maizuru-ken, Kyoto-shi, Japan

"Haha, Yon Beikoku-gun no shōkō wa Iriguchi ni kite iru. (Mother, four American military officers are coming to the door). Futari wa toyojin desu… (two of them are Asian.)" the middle-aged lady said.

"Ayumi. Anata no itoko desu. (Ayumi, it's your cousin). Iriguchi o aite kudasai." Naoko replied.

"Hello…" Ayumi said as she opened the door. "My mother say you my cousin. I am Ayumi."

"Ayumi-chan…" Animal said as he greeted her. "Ohisashiburi desu… (It's been a long time)."

"You serve in American military?" Ayumi looked confused at Animal's uniform.

"Yes." Animal replied, then Ayumi looked over at Tracy, Mac and Harm.

"Ayumi, kochira wa watashi no tomodachi desu, Tracy Manetti, Sarah Mackenzie, to Harmon Rabb. (Here are my friends…)." Animal paused for a long moment. "Shikashi, karera wa jiko o chōsa shite iru. (However, they are investigating the accident.) Karera wa anata to hanashi o suruhitsuyōgāru kamo shiremasen. (However, they may need to speak with you.)" Ayumi nodded at Animal's statement then turned to her mother.

"MAMA…Itoko to tomodachi wa jiko o chōsa shite iru. (Mom, Cousin and friends are investigating the accident."

Chapter Three

Naoko Nakamura's Residence, 610 Asekunaka, Maizuru-ken, Kyoto-shi, Japan

Animal instantly recognized his grandmother, her elderly frame and shock of white hair over a well-wizened face that evoked so many feelings of love and being cared for. "Obachan…Watashi wa sore ga tōchaku suru watashiniha totemo jikan ga kakatta koto o totemo zan'nendesu. (I am so sorry that it took me so long to arrive…)"

Her bird-like hand reached up to caress Animal's face. "Shin'ainaru mago, anata wa sore ga mottomo jūyōna kotodesuga, koko ni kite iru. (Dear grandson, you've come here, that's the most important thing)." Gesturing to all of them…she said. "Watashi wa kono yō na koko de anata o nokoshite shitsureida, de kite kudasai. De kite kudasai. (Please come in, I am rude leaving you out here like this. Please come in.)"

Mac gestured to Harm. "Take your shoes off at the door, we don't wear shoes inside the house." She reminded him of Japanese etiquette. Yosō-gai ni anata no ie ni shin'nyū suru tame ni watashitachi o yurushitekudasai. (Please forgive us for intruding on your home unexpectedly.)" Mac said in Japanese to Animal's grandmother bowing slightly from the waist in respect. Harm's respect for Mac went up a notch as she spoke in Japanese, that she hadn't forgotten from her time stationed at Okinawa.

"(Welcome to my home, you are my grandson's friends, you are always welcome.)" Animal's grandmother returned Mac's bow, silently amazed that one of his friends could speak just as fluent Japanese as someone born in Yamato (old name for Japan).

"Obachan, (Grandmother, How is Yoshitaka taking his father's death?)"

"(Not very well, grandson. He is angry and wants answers.)"

"(That's what we intend to find out.)" Animal looked determined as he looked over at his companions and then back at his grandmother. "(They will not refuse to speak to a vice-admiral in the United States Navy. I intend to find out what happened and I will find out what happened. And if they refuse to talk, they will be up on charges of disobeying a direct order of a superior officer.)" he finished with an obstinate look. " (They will talk if they know what's good for them.)" Animal then allowed Mac and Harm to ask questions of both Ayumi and of his grandmother while he and Tracy talked quietly away from his interviewed relatives. When the interview was done, his grandmother insisted that they all stay the night, have dinner with Ayumi and Naoko and return to the base tomorrow for their investigation. When she insisted, Harm and Mac shrugged their shoulders and accepted the invitation as did Tracy and Animal.

"Harmon, you still fly?" Naoko asked Harm in stilted English. "Harmon fly long time ago. He and my mago (grandson) come to visit all time, ship in port. I make sushi, I make sashimi. They eat sooo much."

"So that's where you got your love for Japanese food?" Mac grinned. "Nakamura-san wa, hāmon wa sushi no subete no jikan o taberu. Kare wa Nihon no tabemono no tame ni ai o kaihatsu shita tokoro, watashi wa shibashiba gimon ni omoimashita. Ima watashi wa rikai shite imasu. (Nakamura-san, Harmon eats sushi all the time. I often wondered where he developed the love for Japanese food. Now I understand.)"

Harm said to no-one in general. "Why is it I feel absolutely left out of the conversation?" he asked piteously.

"You need to learn Japanese…" Mac said smugly.

"Teaching me to learn Japanese would be like teaching a duck to dance." Harm grumbled in return. "It's so nice to see you again. Obasan."

"Mai saitaku mago." Grandma Naoko replied patting Harm on the arm. "My adopted grandson…" Harm grinned, mollified.

"Thank you, Grandma…" Harm replied, giving her a hug which caused Grandma Naoko to laugh and he said to Mac, "Don't get me wrong. Treat her wrong and she can get just as tough if not tougher than Grandma Sarah." He grinned at the much smaller woman who smiled.

"I'm not surprised…" Mac said giving the woman a long glance. "She strikes me as a very tough woman…to have lived over one hundred years and be still spry."

"(Let me order us a meal from the local restaurant so that we can all eat. It was only Ayumi and myself so we only had meals for the two of us.)" Grandma Naoko explained. "(My youngest daughter took on the role of caring for me in my old age…at least until she gets married. I give her a headache every day)" Naoko winked at her daughter.

"(Pay no mind to my mother. She hasn't given me a headache at all. It is an honor to take care of her)" Ayumi laughed. When the food arrived, Ayumi paid the deliveryman and brought the food inside. They gathered at the traditional Japanese table low to the ground on cushioned mats and Ayumi brought out the plates while the rest of them talked. The food was set on the table and everybody sat down around it. The formal Itadaki-masu (Let us eat) was said allowing everyone to partake of the meal in front of them.

"(You are very quiet.)" Naoko stated to Tracy who hadn't spoken very much if at all since setting foot inside the Nakamura home.

Tracy smiled back at Naoko. "(I'm just taking in the family atmosphere, Mrs. Nakamura.)" she said quietly as she gazed around the traditional dining area of the home. "(The home is so fascinating and so different from the United States)" The meal was a relatively quiet affair with casual conversation. Mac, Harm and Tracy excused themselves after the meal to find their beds to which Ayumi had guided them. Animal and his grandmother opted to stay up for a short time to talk about the upcoming trial and to prepare them for the funeral to come of his uncle.

Grandmother Naoko said to Animal, "(You still have not found your true love, have you?)" she said quietly gazing into the central courtyard of her home, the place where she meditated every morning.

"(No, grandmother. My life is either work or rest. Nothing in between.)" Animal replied as he followed his grandmother's gaze out into the center courtyard.

Quoting a Japanese poem, she intoned." naseba naru nasaneba naranu nanigoto mo naranu wa hito no nasanu nari keri (If you try, you may succeed. If you don't try, you will not succeed. This is true for of all things. Not succeeding is the result of not trying.) Mago, jinsei ga dareka o aishite inai ni wa mijika sugiru. Anata no menomaede aisuruhito o miru koto ga dekinai anata no shigoto de hijō ni muchū ni natte wa ikemasen. (Grandson, life is too short to not love someone. Do not become so engrossed in your work that you cannot see someone you love in front of you.)She casually patted him on the back with her hand and said "(With that, my grandson, I will leave you for my rest. Until tomorrow)."

"(Goodnight, Grandma)." Animal said as he, himself, got up and headed for his assigned bedroom wondering what prompted that bit of advice.

Naoko Nakamura's Residence, 610 Asekunaka, Maizuru-ken, Kyoto-shi, Japan 0630hrs

Harm and Mac excused themselves in the morning as they had to return to the brig at Maizuru to interview the sailor involved in the accident. They managed to catch a taxi and with a lot of translation from Ayumi, the cab-driver was notified to take them to Maizuru Naval Base.

Animal noted that his grandmother was sitting in the prayer position as she recited her morning sutra seated on a pillow amidst the wafting scent of incense. Knowing that she was not to be disturbed, he kept his distance until she was finished. By then Tracy had joined him. She nodded as he gestured to his praying grandmother and shook his head to note that they shouldn't disturb her time in prayer.

Maizuru Brig, Maizuru Naval Base, Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan 0700hrs

Mac looked over at Harm. "Are you going to be OK?" she said noticing Harm's taciturn expression.

"I'll be fine. It's just that Hachirou Nakamura was such an unassuming gentleman. It just seems ironic that he would be killed like that." Harm looked at Mac shaking his head. "I want to know what the hell that guy was thinking that he could mow down a civilian like that."

"You want me to handle the interview?" Mac asked.

"Might be better if you did." He replied looking out the window.

"Well, you can wait in the room behind the two-way glass or you can sit there in the chair and glower like a menacing statue." She jokingly commented as Harm just scowled.

Cryptologic Technician 2nd class Michael Mustafa Sabah El-Hashem was a slight unassuming young man with dark features, closely cropped hair and dark brown eyes who looked less than threatening accompanied by a large African-American Gunnery Sergeant who glowered at him with un-withheld hatred. Mac sensed that the tension could be volatile and told the GSGT to leave. Seeing as how the order came from a Marine officer, the GSGT stiffened, nodded and left the room.

"Crypto Two Michael Mustafa Sabah El-Hashem?" Mac asked the CT2 who nodded. "Sit down. We have a few questions that we wish to ask you."

"Yes, ma'am." He sat down on the chair and waited looking up at the Marine Corps lieutenant colonel.

"So, the accident happened around 2-24 Aseku Nishimachi, five blocks from the decedent's house. The police state that you were going seventy in a fifty km per hour zone and that your breath smelled of alcohol when you were interviewed about the accident."

"Ma'am, that wasn't true. My speedometer was at forty since I was in an area that I was unfamiliar with. I may have had one or two drinks but nothing that would get me inebriated to the point where I was unable to control my vehicle."

"CT2, you state that you have had your Japanese driver's license for how many months?"

"I just received it three months ago. I was driving on an International Driver's Permit for six months previous." CT2 El-Hashem replied.

"Look up procedures…on traffic violations and proper Japanese arrest procedures." Mac asked Harm who nodded. "Remember they don't have Miranda rights over here and they can be interrogated without lawyer present, so American laws do not apply over here."

"According to the law here…" Harm stated dourly as he gave the offending CT2 a dark look. "CT2 El-Hashem could be facing four years behind bars on a charge of Negligent Driving Causing Death. Look up the Kotaka case."

"The Kotaka case?"

"The Tsu District Court found Shingo Kotaka, of Suzuka, Mie Prefecture, guilty of killing one person and injuring two others. The incident occurred December 26, 2001 one day after the law took effect. Kotaka ran a red light at an intersection in the city while driving at seventy to eighty kilometers per hour in a forty-kilometer per hour zone, according to the ruling. His minivan struck a station wagon, killing passenger Masami Doi, twenty-six, from Suzuka. Another passenger was severely injured. The driver, Takahiro Okamura, twenty-six, from Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, was slightly injured." CT2 El-Hashem paled at Harm's stark pronouncement.

"Were you able to get a Japanese lawyer?" Mac asked.


"Were you provided a Japanese lawyer? We are unable to help you as we are not licensed legally under Japanese law and would be unable to defend you in court" Mac notified El-Hashem.

"No, ma'am…the Japanese police never even said that I could get a lawyer. They released me on my own recognizance into US Navy custody."

Just then the door opened to let in a slight Japanese man who was dressed sharply in a tailored suit. Looking up at the interruption, Mac raised an eyebrow in question to the man who bowed and said. "My name is Watanabe Kohaku. Last name Watanabe."

"Mr. Watanabe. What are you doing here?" Mac asked. "I'm in the middle of my interview with Cryptologic Technician Second Class El-Hashem."

"I was notified last night by US Navy request and assigned to defend Mr El-Hashem on charges of drunk driving and Negligent Driving Causing Death. We are not public defenders. There is no public defence until after person involved deemed guilty. However US Navy considers special case. I suggest we work together."

Harm looked over at the Japanese attorney, glowering. "I think I'm going to step out." Harm said giving CT2 El-Hashem another dark look. "For your information, Mr. Watanabe, I happened to know the decedent." He threw back over his shoulder as he exited the room.

"Is that not a conflict of interest?" asked Mr. Watanabe.

"I believe it is, but I think Commander Rabb is recusing himself from the case."

Maizuru Brig, Maizuru Naval Base, Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan 0930hrs

Mac strode out of the brig at Maizuru with her briefcase in hand after two full legal pads worth of information were written out in full. The Japanese lawyer was perfunctory and it seemed as though the defense of CT2 El-Hashem was a foregone conclusion. He would apologize to the court and then get sentenced. It seemed to Mac that the CT2 was getting railroaded into a guilty verdict. She walked out to find Harm standing by a cherry tree glancing up at the sky.

"So…" Harm said shortly, the statement being an interrogative.

"I don't think he's getting much of a defense."

"Does he deserve one?" Harm asked angrily. "He mowed down a Japanese citizen without due care and attention and even worse he was drunk while doing it."

"Harm, we don't know the entire facts about the case. According to CT2 El-Hashem, he was interrogated without counsel – Japanese police interrogations being just short of brutal – for three hours without food or water, harangued abusively until he confessed, wasn't even allowed a lawyer, and it's the police officer's word against his. And knowing Japanese culture, the justice system will take the word of the law over the ordinary citizen, even if the cop is corrupt…" She looked at Harm. "…even if what the CT2 said was the truth."

"All I see…Mac…" Harm growled as he looked over at her, "…is a man who was taken before his time and in the most heinous fashion possible and I see a friend's family who is in pain because of it. Uncle Hachirou welcomed us into his home, showed us around the tourist attractions; treated me like family. And you're trying to justify what this CT2 did?"

"I'm not trying to justify what CT2 El-Hashem did, I'm just trying to get down to the truth, Harm."

Harm's response was stony silence. Logic didn't fly in this case. Maybe it was better for Harm that he recused himself from any part of the investigation since he was too emotionally attached to the situation. But if he told Admiral Chegwidden that, he'd be yanked back home to Falls Church and he wanted to be there to show his respect to a friend's family member, so he opted to stay silent.

Naoko Nakamura's Residence, 610 Asekunaka, Maizuru-ken, Kyoto-shi, Japan 0930hrs; March 5, 2002

"(I hoped to bury Hachirou at 296-1 Hikamicho Osano, Tanba, Hyogo Prefecture. There is a cemetery there)." Naoko stated, looking somber. "(A headstone and some flowers, perhaps)."

Animal nodded in response as Tracy sat by him. "(I think that would be good, grandmother)" he agreed as he looked grave. "(Harm and Mac are interrogating the person involved in the accident today. We need to get the coroner's report.)" he stated. "(Would you be willing to allow us to get those records?)"

Animal's grandmother nodded silently. The United States Navy needed to close this case and their family needed to heal. "(We will try to get the records.)" She stated simply. Animal nodded, knowing that his grandmother was still grieving the loss of her son, yet she, showing the stoicism of Japanese culture towards death, was striving to show a strong face.

Japanese burial customs were in the Buddhist tradition and were meant to help the deceased make a transition from life to afterlife, and to reincarnation should it not escape from the cycle of rebirth. Hachirou would be given a traditional Buddhist funeral. Grandmother had set the date for the 12th of March, 2002 a taian day in Buddhist tradition which meant that luck would be with them all day.

"(Go have a walk with your dear friend.)" Naoko said as she got up from her seated position. "(It is too nice a day to be inside.)"

Animal agreed and both Tracy and he stepped out of the house and wandered up Asekunaka Road a ways. Finding a small eatery, they stopped in and had a quick bite to eat as well as some drinks from the vending machine. At least they had the foresight to get some money exchanged at the PX into local currency so that they were able to purchase some food as both Tracy and Animal did not want to impose on Grandmother as there were going to be some big expenses coming up for the funeral.

Naoko Nakamura's Residence, 610 Asekunaka, Maizuru-ken, Kyoto-shi, Japan 1430hrs; March 5, 2002

Harm and Mac returned to Naoko's home at 1430 hrs. "We found out some things. The blood alcohol level was considerably under the legal limit. The breathalyzer reading on the formal police paperwork was 0.2"

Animal looked at Mac and asked pointedly. "Are they sure they gave the breathalyzer immediately upon arrest or did they wait?" Mac looked amazed that Animal would consider that point of view.

"Why would you consider the plaintiff's point of view after he ran down and killed your uncle?"

"Colonel, I intend to find out the truth about what happened. There are too many questions here. We have a CT2 that was pulled over for drunk driving with a charge for Negligent Driving Causing Death. Something doesn't add up." Animal replied looking up towards the hills as he pondered the case. "It's not cut and dried and I don't want to send someone to jail if the person is innocent. Look up the hospital records for my uncle." He said, relying on a gut hunch.

Mac wasn't sure why, but noted it down as a possibility.

Harm asked him. "Are you sure? If it turns out that CT2 El-Hashem didn't do it, then what does that do to the closure?"

"Isn't the law important, Harm?" Animal asked. "Justice versus revenge? I want to go see this CT2 tomorrow."

"Your call, Animal…" Harm didn't seem so convinced as to whether the guy was innocent or not.

Animal looked soberly at Harm. "In Buddhism, there is a saying: Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. There is no point in holding on to hot coals, because it only hurts you." He snorted… "Now, I'm no Buddha, but there's a difference between seeking revenge and seeking justice."

Maizuru Brig, Maizuru Naval Base, Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan 0800hrs, March 6, 2002

Animal stood towards the wall looking out the barred windows of the interview room as both Harm and Mac were waiting for the guard to bring CT2 El-Hashem to the room. The same guard as before brought him in and shoved him roughly down in the seat. Animal noticed this and his ire rose. "Gunnery Sergeant. I will have a word with you later. Make yourself available."

The Gunny gulped and said. "Yes sir."

The CT2 looked rather uncomfortable as he sat quietly in his seat awaiting the verbal condemnation that he figured would take place. All he saw was a Japanese-American vice admiral in peanut butters. And admirals made enlisted personnel nervous.

"Cryptologic Technician Second Class El-Hashem?" Animal asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Do you know why I'm here?" Animal said, his face not betraying any hint of what his emotions were. Here was the man in front of him who was in some way responsible for the death of his uncle. However his thoughts were not bent on revenge. But trying to figure out why certain things happened and whether or not this man was ultimately guilty of the charge of negligence or whether he was railroaded by Japanese police. "My name is Toshio Nakamura; nephew of the decedent." He paused for a long moment to let the news sink in to CT2 El-Hashem's mind. Animal got the reaction he'd been figuring that he would get. The CT2 turned sheet white.

"Sir, I'm so sorry…" he stammered.

"Just tell me what happened."

"Sir, I came back from a few drinks with the boys in my unit at the local bar and if you know sir, there isn't a whole lot of lights on that street. I came back at about 2330hrs from the bar and was driving along Asekunaku and all of a sudden he was right in front of me. I didn't have any time to hit the brakes or anything. The Japanese police say that he was dragged over a hundred feet."

"How many drinks did you have, CT2?" Mac asked.

"Just one, ma'am. The rest of the guys had the majority of the drinks." El-Hashem replied. "It was my first one ever. As a Muslim, I can't drink and it was a dare to get me to violate my religion, sir. They threatened to tell the CO that I went to a bar so I had to."

"So this was the first time you ever had alcohol? So you weren't aware of how much the alcohol would affect you? Then why do you have violations for alcohol consumption on your record."

"Ma'am. I've had accusations thrown at me by my superiors of being Taliban and terrorists. But nothing that I would do would cause me to violate my religion, ma'am." Harm and Mac looked at each other. If the drinking allegations were false, what else was?

"You say that you were pushed into drinking alcohol just this once. But there are no blood-alcohol readings the other times to indicate just how much you imbibed those other times." Harm said harshly. "What makes you think that I believe you?"

"O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, stone alters and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?" The CT2 intoned. "Qu'ran – Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:90-91. It is written in the text. I have sinned by partaking of alcohol and I am under penance to Allah."

Mac turned to Harm, "We can't prove those other times, and it's the word of his superiors against his. What we have are facts. He has a blood alcohol level of 0.2 which is below the illegal limit. So the charge of drunk driving can be thrown out." She insisted. "Which leaves the negligent driving causing death."

"Something tells me that the lighting on Asekunaka is very minimal and that most cars rely on their headlight beams…" Animal said as he continued to look at CT2 El-Hashem. "…which means that my uncle could not readily be seen on the road if he was wearing dark clothing – now that is only a hunch."

"Why are you doing this, sir?" CT2 El-Hashem asked puzzled that the admiral would be so interested in the case.

"Because as much as I want justice for my uncle. I don't want revenge. CT2," was the solemn reply.